Example sentences of "[that] if [pron] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Billy Johnson ( ‘ Look Forward in Anger ’ , 3 April , page 23 ) may have been ‘ fond of saying ’ that if they had n't induced his birth a day early he could have voted in the 1997 election , but then he would have been talking even more crap than the verbals Steve Platt so kindly recorded for us .
2 He said that if they had not gained the upper hand then the old Völkisch parties would certainly have picked a fight with Poland .
3 Ahmed Deedat told thousands of Muslims who filled the Albert Hall in central London that if they had only shown the non-Muslim majority that Mr Rushdie had grievously insulted the Queen , Margaret Thatcher and all white women in The Satanic Verses , then the author would have been condemned by all of society and the book banned .
4 th , th again , again you see the strength of this course is that if nobody had actually given you time like , you 'd have never known .
5 He then gave me a slight shock by lapsing into a brief sort of reverie , and saying that if one had ever felt like ‘ murdering someone ’ , one could never do anything about it .
6 He reminded us that if we had n't scored at Wolves we would have lost the game .
7 It remains the situation that if we had not altered the income tax regime that we inherited when we came to office , and if we had merely indexed the rates and allowances , the average family would be paying £1,200 more in income tax .
8 His letter to Mrs Thrale contained more detail , expressed with greater pungency , and it confirms the ‘ Dark Continent ’ feel of his experience : ‘ The Inhabitants , a very coarse tribe , ignorant of any language but earse [ sic ] , gathered so fast about us , that if we had not had Highlanders with us , they might have caused more alarm than pleasure . ’
9 And can I tell you , that if we 'd just done Covermaster , somebody could have picked up a point there .
10 The increase in complaints may have something to do with the fact that we believe that it is important that if someone has not received the care to which he thinks he is entitled from the NHS , his right to complain should not be a well-kept secret , as has too often happened in the past .
11 My only reservation for new readers is that if you 've not seen John Bitumen 's wall of hate live , looking every bit like Mussolini with a hangover , the sincerity of the sarcasm and the heartfelt cynicism of the material may not be fully appreciated .
12 Yes keep working while I just explain that if you 've not had it before .
13 I think that if you 've only got twenty spaces then that 's difficult because we 've got a hundred and something members most of whom are in the central belt
14 I , when I took them back and looked at them , there were lots and lots of , of re er , errors if you like that if you had really looked at them you could of picked out yourself .
15 The good news is that if you have already had the vaccine , you do n't need a booster .
16 The Dept. of Health warns that if you have not had a vaccination , you should either have the polio vaccination yourself or avoid changing nappies when your baby is vaccinated .
17 A second factor motivating people again it 's the demographic situation , the fact that if you have n't got children , you 're free to do what you want .
18 Holiday parks in which you can camp , or stay in a chalet or caravan are now remarkably good — so much so that if you have n't tried this kind of holiday for a few years you could be in for a very pleasant surprise .
19 BELVILLE : It is still my opinion that if I had not discovered the parson as I did , you might have gone to a length that would have put your present situation out of both our powers .
20 I was not sensitive enough to realize that it was all my fault , and that if I had n't considered him common , he would n't have been so clumsy .
21 The fact is that if I had n't taken part in the BBC television previews of the big event I would probably be riding my old friend Bonanza Boy .
22 I guess that if I had n't taken up the trenchcoat and fedora to walk the alleyways of history as the greatest detective of them all , I might well have become a poet .
23 Perhaps the policeman had looked into Erlich 's face and calculated that if he had not stood aside then he might just have ended up on his back .
24 ( In fact , the French lines there on February 21st were no better prepared than they had been on the Right Bank , and the rejoinder that if he had not had adequate forces he should not have undertaken the offensive in the first place is almost too obvious ) .
25 It dawns on me that if he had not succeeded in entering her then it is not legally rape .
26 He heard himself telling a girl that if he had n't made it in the music business by his twentieth birthday , he would kill himself .
27 He did n't make it to the course on the next day , was sacked , and always maintained that if he had n't given up the drink for those ten days or so and ‘ dried out ’ he would not have got so drunk , would have been on the course at the appointed time , would not have lost his job , and would have have carried for yet another Open Champion .
28 Because of this , it was felt , it presented Anish Kapoor in a position of such seniority alongside all the other three that if he had n't won it would have been more embarrassing that if he did .
29 He blamed himself for the death of his friend , thinking that if he had n't used the ouija board , perhaps his friend would still be alive .
30 At thirty-one , he remarks to Louise — a parenthesis to a hypothesis — that if he had ever had a son , he would have taken great pleasure in procuring women for him .
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