Example sentences of "[that] she would never [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He had infuriated her , puzzled her , and finally won her over , and every time she looked over what she had painted her stomach lurched , and she knew without doubt that she would never forget him .
2 Rain feared they had drifted so-far into the events of the day of the murder that she would never draw him back to other matters .
3 Celia had already stressed that she would never countenance her husband at the birth .
4 Jezrael fought to fold the anger away , tuck it down so deep inside her that she would never feel its corrosion again — she hoped .
5 But as the days went on the truth became less difficult to live with than it had threatened to be , and she knew that she would never leave her husband because she , too , was to blame .
6 She hated Nora for the double betrayal and swore that she would never forgive her .
7 She ordered her carriage , but assured Theda that she would never desert her .
8 Innocent , virginal and as strictly moral as she was , she knew that what she felt for Lucenzo was so powerful and primeval that she would never resist him .
9 Lady Errol intervened through her brother-in-law , informing Johnson , in the hyperbole of hospitality , that she would never allow him to enter Slains again if he left now , and , with the daylight of the long summer evening available , she provided her coachman so that the travellers could view a couple of local geological curiosities , the Buller of Buchan and the rock of Dunbui .
10 Days , and nights of tears and recriminations followed until he finally understood that she would never abort their child .
11 Although she quickly did all the right things : alerting the police , the coastguard and Dr Forman , Harriet Tremayne knew that she would never see her daughter again .
12 Without having to be told , she knew at once two or , rather , three things : the Second Front had begun , John was in the vanguard of operations and that she would never see him again .
13 It had started when they discovered she was meeting Rob , and they had asked for her promise that she would never see him again .
14 She also knew there was a possibility that she would never see him alive again .
15 The sun would still rise and still set regardless of the fact that she would never see him again .
16 It was so damned unfair that she would never see them .
17 Constance frequently reiterated that she would never buy anything that had belonged to somebody else , that meant something to them , that had been warm against their skin or over the fireplace : only brand-new articles , the stuff of commerce in transit between factory and store , the owners of which already had more money than was good for them and were themselves no better than they should be .
18 I had arranged for her to see a specialist , and he told me the condition was irreversible , that she would never lose her sight completely but that she would be almost totally blind within a year .
19 The woman knew he meant every word he said , but he was counting on the fact that she would never convince her husband of it .
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