Example sentences of "[that] she have [not/n't] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She thought that she had n't realized before how important money was .
2 There was a caress in his tone that she had n't heard since Boxing Day , and then he sat down beside her and pulled her across so that she was cradled against him instead of against the cool white pillows .
3 That she had n't heard of the plan was scarcely surprising , since Belinda had made it up on the spur of the moment .
4 He must have taken a short cut that she had n't noticed on her way down , as they arrived back at the house sooner than she was expecting and went straight to the veranda , where Faye still lay on the lounger , enjoying a long drink of iced water .
5 She tried to feel pleased that she had n't descended from such uncompromising stock , but it was still a shock to have been told that William Ash was not her father , and that Eddie had only been her half-brother .
6 It was all reasonably clean , and a smell of cooking reminded Sarah that she had n't eaten since early morning when Daniel 's landlady had given her breakfast .
7 She could n't remember seeing such a cheerful crowd queuing for the cinema , and she took pleasure in their high spirits ; but she was glad that she had n't gone to the pictures .
8 How strange , Merrill reflected that evening , as her mind did a re-run of the lunchtime conversation , that she had n't felt at all bitter towards Rob when , on Saturday , she had learned that he had been the man in question .
9 " You do n't know what your talking about , " Katherine began , experiencing a deep burning rage that she had n't felt for a long time , a rage all the more intense because she knew she could do nothing about it .
10 But in that she had n't counted on Lori 's erratic travelling or on Travis McKenna 's bloodhound instincts .
11 She persevered for fifty pages before admitting that she had n't taken in a word .
12 She had the impression that she had n't smiled for several months .
13 ‘ My guess is that she had n't come to terms with the situation herself , ’ she said .
14 Except that she had n't dreamt about Tony for the past three nights , so perhaps he was doing some good .
15 Strangely , although Nora was in her mind , Constance realised that she had n't thought of Nicky since she had left Northumberland .
16 There was also the young lady wearing the ‘ World City Map of Hong Kong ’ sandwich board who was heard to sigh , as she sallied forth from the loo , that she had n't thought of that problem when she took the job .
17 The paintwork was black , the walls covered in silver foil ; each of a line of doorways blazed with about a thousand watts of brilliance and there was a smell of greasepaint and cleansing cream that she had n't encountered since having a couple of bit parts in school plays .
18 Dad was very upset that she had n't confided in us .
19 The only consolation that Britain 's partners could perceive was that she had not reneged on her Brussels Treaty obligations altogether : her commitment to station troops permanently on the Continent was still intact , but many people wondered for how long — ‘ perfidious Albion' !
20 Joan Waters , too , was left in peace apart from the following two minor incidents which may have been attempts to impress upon her that she had not moved beyond the reach of the long arm of the undercover services .
21 Beth was oddly relieved that she had not confided in Cissie ; not that she did n't trust the girl , but because she had never spoken to anyone about her family , or her reason for leaving them all those years ago .
22 Later Anne thought over Sarah 's words about clothes for people who needed them and felt ashamed that she had not thought of their plight .
23 All the loving and giving of small luxuries and necessities that she had not thought of herself , and the expected regularity of their attendance at those sumptuous Sunday luncheons , encroached dangerously on the precious isolation of life at Kileady .
24 One of the doctors reckoned that the fact that she had not fought against the attack but handed the outcome over to God could well have saved her life .
25 All she knew was that she was cold and hungry and thirsty , that she had not slept for more than few minutes at a time and that all her thoughts were with Tristram .
26 Mistress Southwell was a Roman Catholic and with several others sought to surround the events of the Queen Elizabeth 's last illness and death with ill-omens and to suggest that she had not died in a state of grace ’ .
27 McLeish , who had understood from Francesca 's report of her lunch that she and her seniors were indeed going to push for assistance , was amused to hear that she had not succeeded in disguising her intentions from Miss Morgan .
28 Four hours later police broke in after being alerted by Sian 's husband Andrew — worried that she had not returned to their home in nearby Pontypool .
29 Mark was carrying his jacket , and Clare regretted that she had not taken off her stockings and belt before coming out .
30 Her first crime is that she has n't clocked into an office for 16 years .
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