Example sentences of "[that] she [modal v] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She did not believe that she would ever do it , for she told herself that she was free ; she thought that she would probably end by prolonging , in some way , her present situation , by returning for vacations and for long dead summers .
2 Margot was slow at her schoolwork , and , with little chance of improving , it was hoped that she would eventually emigrate to Palestine with her sister .
3 The girl 's serious little face was delicate , rounded , promising that she would soon flower into at least as striking a beauty as her mother ; in an attempt to make her smile Joseph winked theatrically at her , but this made her draw closer to her mother and she continued to gaze gravely back at him with the curious , unselfconscious eyes of childhood .
4 On the following day , however , after lengthy discussions with Cabinet and other colleagues , she announced that she was withdrawing and that she would accordingly resign as Prime Minister once the new party leader had been elected .
5 The boy had been told unequivocally not to let her off the lead — the riding-school only used the land by grace of its owner and it was a shooting estate — but he hated keeping the dog straining at the lead and knew that she would always come to his call .
6 He had been in the habit , as he left in the mornings , of saying , ‘ Well , I 'm off to work now , ’ until one day , shortly before she deserted , she had , at those words , slammed shut the door of the dishwasher with a crash that shattered a wine glass and shouted at him : she had inquired , without much originality , what he thought she did all day , whether he imagined that cooking and shopping and washing and minding the child was not work , whether he supposed that she would now retire to her bed and lie there sucking chocolate bars and examining her fingernails until he chose to return for dinner .
7 She had never thought that she would ever travel on such a thing , although she could not tell Rose that .
8 And that she would never settle for anything less .
9 On the introduction of a single currency , the preferred outcome of the Delors plan under Stage 3 , she emphasized that she would never suggest to the UK parliament the abolition of the pound sterling , which she described as " the most powerful expression of sovereignty you can possibly have " .
10 Roland watched Maud making noises which he sensed came naturally , and sensed too that she would never make in the Women 's Studies building .
11 She had always sworn to herself that she would never impose on her daughter 's marriage 2. ) but she knows now that she can not possibly decline an invitation to spend the rest of her days at her son-in-law 's house .
12 When she married she swore on oath that she would never work for anyone outside her own family again .
13 Jo loathed her blobby nose , her receding chin , her long body , her short legs , her droopy ass , her fat thighs , her white skin that absolutely refused to tan and her brown hair which frizzed and which her mother would n't even let her frost ; she accepted that she would never look like Faye Dunaway , never be a Prom Queen and that most of her body was a total disaster area , but she knew with absolute certainty that she had great tits .
14 But with understanding had come a growing determination that she would never fall into the same trap — would never allow herself to be ruled by a foolish , hoping heart .
15 But as he walked at her side through the dark halls of the Grail Castle , he remembered , and wished not to remember , that she might well have within her the strange power that could awaken all manner of sleeping bewitchments and lost enchantments .
16 Jack Butler closed the door , turned and leant against it , as if afraid that she might suddenly return with more horrors .
17 It was the risk of getting caught and then losing any chance that she might ever have of getting her hands on Charlie 's ledger information .
18 It did cross my mind that she might actually get across the damn thing and hit land before the wind dropped , but I reckoned that even if that happened I had done my best , and honour was satisfied .
19 She 's not painted for so long that she 'll just have to be encouraged more and more .
20 She is often rejected by the Catholics , because she will not conform to their religion : the local priest says that she will immediately burn in Hell , when she dies .
21 I am not at all sure that she will ever speak to me again . ’
22 With a conscious effort , she swallowed the small spurt of irritation against his easy presumption that she 'd simply fall into line with whatever he chose to do .
23 For the remainder of her half-hour set , the audience was treated to vintage Aurora Blake — in fact , it was doubtful that she 'd ever put on a more powerful show in any of the venues she 'd performed in all over the world .
24 Violet was surprised , that she should even speak to this man — and the crudest talk at that .
25 She remembered thinking , once , in a desperate moment , that she should just go to Matthew and say , I love you .
26 That she should just forget about her lessons and rush off to see your brother whenever she pleased ?
27 Can I just say that my father who is eighty four , is caring for my mother er for the past eleven years , and we keep sort of saying well is it not time that she should maybe go into hospital ?
28 Why was it the gorgeous ones passed through so fleetingly while others , like that paunchy , moist-palmed Vic Tatum from Marine Claims always managed to delay in her office , ogling , leering and making suggestive remarks that she could probably take to a Sexual Harassment Tribunal if she had a mind to !
29 He came closer and sat beside her on the grass , close , so that she could hardly concentrate on what she was supposed to be saying .
30 He pushed her gently down on to the settee and sat so close to her that she could hardly breathe for fear that she 'd betray how much she wanted him .
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