Example sentences of "[that] his [noun sg] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The 50-year-old , winner of 61 tournaments worldwide , said that his interpretation of the rules was that he should have been disqualified for signing an incorrect score card .
2 He added that his forecast for the economy — if he had one — was pessimistic .
3 It was also noted that Mr Mowatt has accumulated arrears of leave , so that his availability during the period of notice will be reduced .
4 The belief that his response to the fall of Louis Philippe was to say , " Saddle your horses , gentlemen !
5 one which does not exclude the bailor from possession , an action for conversion against a third person is maintainable by either bailor or bailee ; by the bailee because he is in possession , by the bailor because it is said that his title to the goods draws with it the right to possession , that the bailee is something like his servant and that the possession of the one is equivalent to that of the other .
6 Edward made his own views clear by stating that he regarded the 1328 treaty as invalid because it had been made when he was a minor and under the tutelage of others and that his title to the overlordship of Scotland should be reasserted .
7 Sadly , it was not confined to writers and artists , for though it may be unfair to blame Nietzsche for his appropriation by Nazi ideologues , there is no question but that his doctrine of the superman and his apparent anti-semitism provided them with fertile soil .
8 Colleagues of Gilbey have always maintained that his relationship with the princess is strictly platonic .
9 Regretfully , she acknowledged that his behaviour on the train threw no light at all on what had happened at the flat .
10 Sure , she had indulged in the occasional uncharitable observation that his affection for the child was no more than a front .
11 But Whyte 's critics pointed out that his call for the individual to fight a lonely battle against conformity was never going to get very far .
12 As security it was agreed that Mr. O'Brien would guarantee the payment by the company of its indebtedness and that his liability under the guarantee would be secured by a second charge over the house which was believed to have an equity of about £100,000 .
13 A couple of hours passed , her spirits sinking lower , and then Philip came in , pleased , to say that his chum at the yard with contacts where demolition work was going on , had all that 43 needed , and it was in a van outside .
14 Does the Prime Minister understand that his description of the Sunday trading laws as ’ bizarre ’ has encouraged law breaking ?
15 Jennings argued that Dicey 's ideas on sovereignty were overly conceptualistic and that his concept of the rule of law was based on an individualistic , laissez-faire philosophy .
16 At one point in Vikram Seth 's novel in verse The Golden Gate ( Faber , 1986 ) , the author interrupts the narrative to tell us that his idea for the book had not been well received when he had mentioned it to a publisher :
17 That his theology was orthodox and that his support for the monarch and the political establishment was unswerving are important .
18 When Geoffrey le Bel was unable to arbitrate in person between the seneschal and the monks of Baugé in a quarrel over tithes in 1146 , he insisted that his part in the case be acknowledged .
19 His protestations of devotion in the trial scene are , in our opinion , genuine , as is his confession that his affair with the Countess is platonic .
20 Bunyan 's life and work were a fulfilment of Tyndale 's dream that his translation of the Bible would reach and transform the humblest ploughboy in the fields .
21 However , the fact that Brucan chose to retain his seat on the NSF Council raised speculation that his withdrawal from the leadership was a tactical manoeuvre .
22 De Niro 's slightly unhinged devotion to detail , the madness in his method , is well documented the best recent example being his insistence on wearing silk underwear from the same store that supplied Al Capone so that his portrayal of the Chicago gangster in The Untouchables felt just right .
23 When the Fiat had emerged from the gateway of the Miletti villa at five o'clock that afternoon , Zen had been astonished to find that his driver for the ransom drop was to be Silvio 's secretary , Ivy Cook .
24 Whilst suggesting that he had been keen to run , he explained his decision on the grounds that his obligation to the people of his state came before his personal ambition for the presidency .
25 Rostov 's authority was limited at all times by the secrecy requirements which surrounded every incomplete survey , and he had already concluded that his presence on the mission was actually of questionable value .
26 A boy with pool cue in hand is hoping that his presence in the games room will not be noted by the staff .
27 If in this respect Gloucester was still very much his brother 's agent , it is clear that his closeness to the king had already made him a person of some consequence .
28 If in this respect Gloucester was still very much his brother 's agent , it is clear that his closeness to the king had already made him a person of some consequence .
29 He used to say that his ordination to the priesthood , in Farnworth parish church on 22 September 1929 , with Raven preaching , mattered to him much the more .
30 A slightly less elaborate statement is much cited in Australia : the applicant must satisfy the court ‘ that the witness is out of the jurisdiction of the court , that his evidence is material and that his attendance within the jurisdiction can not be procured ’ ; it seems to have been derived from a similar observation of Lindley L.J .
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