Example sentences of "[that] we [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's against that background , congress , that we 've pressed forward usually in cooperation with the T G W U claims on behalf of our members in these industries .
2 It 's not one that we 've met so far so it 's a completely new one .
3 Probably the best song on ‘ Mighty Like A Rose ’ and definitely the best of the Costello collaborations with Paul McCartney that we 've heard so far .
4 Just a very brief comment , perhaps summing up the and commenting on the various contributions that we 've heard so far .
5 There the two big pieces of work that we 've done together so far , in a minute I 'm going to give you a printed sheet
6 It will have to be Luxembourg , and three old ones that we 've done quite recently , so that we do n't have to waste too much time rehearsing them . ’
7 Now the feat hierarchical feature analysis that we 've done so far was predominantly a bottom up data driven process .
8 Yeah all the work experience that I did all four placements that we 've done so far .
9 What are your views on this local and national conflict that we 've seen perhaps up there in Banbury ?
10 So this is a much more familiar model of democracy to us than any of the others that we 've seen so far
11 It 's only thanks to the efforts of walkers that we 've got so far . ’
12 ‘ I had already decided that we 'd spent far too long apart .
13 Gibeau felt that we had had too easy a time of it at Canjuers and for the last three days introduced a new punishment .
14 But there does not seem any necessity for other galaxies to exist , let alone the million million or so of them that we see distributed roughly uniformly throughout the observable universe .
15 The devolution proposals that we have seen thus far would damage that union and separately damage Scotland , England and the whole of the United Kingdom .
16 I look for medium and long-term planning , not the short-termism that we have seen too often , and I shall happily support the amendment .
17 In short , the component of the world that we have treated most avariciously , and most insouciantly , is the very one that we should treat most deferentially .
18 And for , our children when they grow up cos I had three children nearly every one that had come into the town had little ones so you see we were trying to build a town for our children to benefit which I do n't know whether you think that it 's a town worth living in but I think that we have done very well and it 's a town that is caring for such as the elderly they really do care !
19 For we , like all animal species , have an optimum group size and it is one that we have exceeded so dramatically that our species is already well on its way to massive self-destruction .
20 To celebrate the centenary , we shall be having a lighthearted look at the university , and also some of the programmes that we have presented so far — the bits that went right , and some of the bits that went wrong .
21 The industrial machine that we have followed so far has been the philosophies of the Enlightenment embodied and incarnated in the economic mode of capitalism .
22 Everything that we have said so far in this section leans heavily on the hearer 's / reader 's ability to utilise his knowledge of the world and his past experience of similar events in interpreting the language which he encounters .
23 The biggest mistake that we have made so far is the one that critics of the European Community so often turn against us — the fact that we were absent when the common agricultural policy was established .
24 I believe that we have fallen badly behind in the three important areas of economic development , social policies and , sadly , the quality of our democracy .
25 likewise we have some projects to show that we have worked very closely as an engineering firm , with the local college .
26 Make sure that you have covered all the information that we have learned so far : ie. the construction of the harmonic minor scale itself and the scale harmonised in triads and seventh chords .
27 I shall start by considering in section 4.3 some variables which are characteristic of Belfast English , but which seem to function at a somewhat higher level of generality than those that we have mentioned so far — as identity markers for the community as a whole rather than for internal differentiation within it .
28 There is no particular reason ( or at least none in anything that we have discussed so far ) to expect either side in the arms race to become steadily more successful or less successful than the other .
29 All that we have described so far we believe to be common to visionary leadership in general .
30 It is not , however , a property in the same sense as we have used the term up to this point , since it is a second-order property ; that is , it is a property of the other two relations that we have sketched so far ( and only of these ) .
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