Example sentences of "[that] they have be [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He had a feeling that they 'd been waiting right from the start of the trip .
2 Mike says that they 've been working hard to organise the trip — and is not bothered about the risk of visiting the country .
3 I thought Eng v SM was 16th & Pol vs Hol 17th but I 've heard that they 've been rescheduled so that they are played at the same time .
4 Any nation has to learn democracy er , and it seems to me that all the people of the Soviet Union have shown over the last four or five years a lively interest in politics and considerable to participate in politics , er one of the problems is of course is that they 've been doing so , too much and in too disorganised a way , they 're going to have to get together .
5 That is a reference back to the events of chapter 16 , and strange though it is , it is no more extraordinary than their wish in Exodus 16 that they had been killed together with the Egyptians at the time of the Passover .
6 The authorities claimed that they had been living illegally on land which had been allocated to others , in Khartoum suburbs such as Karmuta where large numbers of mud-brick houses had reportedly now been vacated and then destroyed by bulldozers .
7 Informations were listed for hearing but the justices were not satisfied that they had been served so further summonses were issued .
8 An audible groan rippled through the new Form Two , quelled at once by one of Miss Hardbroom 's piercing glances which always made each pupil feel that they had been noticed personally .
9 ‘ She said she had known for some time that she and Fabien could not remain at La Tour Monchauzet after their marriage — that they had been talking together about moving away — of going , perhaps , as far as Australia or California and starting a totally new life .
10 Had she been asked the same question in different surroundings her amazement might have been tempered with doubt that Nahum Morey was in his right mind , but in this confined space she began to share his conviction that they had been drawn together by their various needs .
11 One could argue , then , that by July 1949 the battle lines had been drawn in Southeast Asia , and even that they had been drawn unilaterally , by the US .
12 He did admit afterwards that they had been carried away by trying to make a quick breakthrough and had bowled badly , but it still left an unpleasant taste .
13 When I examined the statues at the Antelami exhibition in 1990 , I had no sense that they had been cleaned excessively .
14 These poets are trying to speak for the lost generations , condemned forever to inarticulacy ; and to speak aloud about simple things that they had been forbidden even to think about .
15 ‘ When clients have gone to a firm and believe that they have been treated badly , they tend to complain against the firm , not the engagement partner , and are surprised when the Institute tells them that they can not do so , ’ said Elwyn Eilledge , head of the working party .
16 The journey , however , proves to be a descent into hell , for Comala turns out to be a ghost town which has been devastated by the oppression of his father , the tyrannical landowner Pedro Páramo , and whose few remaining inhabitants live in despair , convinced that they have been banished forever from the grace of God .
17 Infas said 10pc of West Germans and 4pc in the formerly Communist East agreed wholeheartedly with the statement : ‘ It is the Jews ’ own fault that they have been persecuted so often in their history . ’
18 It is suggested that they have been deposited either from silica mobilised in solution or from colloids and attain their maximum development in areas of pervious quartzose rocks .
19 ( a ) Spouses living together There is no charge to capital gains tax on a transfer of assets between husband and wife provided that they have been living together in the year of assessment in which the transfer takes place ( Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 ) ( " TCGA 1992 " ) , s58 .
20 Tourism has declined during the recession and numerous small businesses protest that they have been hit hard by the uniform business rate .
21 First , the bidder does not have to deal with a series of forms of acceptance from accepting shareholders , making sure that they have been completed properly and dealing with any lost share certificates .
22 If all these are in order than see if anyone has replaced any of the chassis outriggers in the past ( as for the some reason 6 cyl station wagons suffer more than their fair share of chassis rust ) and that they have been replaced accurately .
23 " Thus in the case of two drops of water " he says — " we can abstract altogether from all internal difference ( of quality and quantity ) , and the mere fact that they have been intuited simultaneously in different spatial positions is sufficient justification for holding them to be numerically different .
24 Therefore , check cavity-filled walls carefully for damp patches anywhere , and ensure that they have been sealed effectively at the eaves to prevent any fumes escaping into the roof space .
25 However , it is not sufficient to constitute two pieces of land parts of one and the same curtilage that they should have been conveyed or demised together , for a single conveyance or lease can comprise more than one parcel of land , neither of which need be in any sense an appurtenance of the other or within the curtilage of the other ; nor is it sufficient that they have been occupied together ; nor is the test whether the enjoyment of one is advantageous or convenient or necessary for the full enjoyment of the other .
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