Example sentences of "[that] they [vb past] not [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I have just met some colleagues in the House — and I do not dare to name the Opposition Members — who asked me questions about the amendment because there were points that they could not understand or that they had not seen before .
2 Dr. Kerr had said that they had not done so — but he was ‘ too wordy and declamatory for a witness ’ .
3 He also cited the fact that they had not profited personally from their conduct , that they had " a record of long and distinguished service " , and that all had already in terms of emotional anguish and damaged careers paid a price which was " grossly disproportionate to any misdeeds or errors of judgement they might have committed " .
4 It was also evident that they had not weighed up the consequences .
5 Members of the Islamic Nahdah movement ( Mouvement de la renaissance ) , led by Rachid Ghanouchi , were reported as saying that they had not put up candidates because of the government 's continued refusal officially to recognise the party .
6 Interest had been so great that they had not got around to marketing the idea elsewhere .
7 The AFPFL were left to prove that they had not sold out .
8 Not only is there no evidence that the inhabitants of Jerusalem did the same , but the petition of the Samaritans clearly implies that they did not do so .
9 One of the reasons for the Government 's failure has been the fact that they did not bring together all the groups involved .
10 It would seem that there is a demand for such assistance as 1 in 5 of all applicants said that they did not go on to take the course because of financial difficulties .
11 The number of responses opposed to the proposals on the grounds that they did not go far enough towards independence was very small — only a few academic boards of institutions had expressed that view .
12 And when , to show what a good little wife I had become — Nonni thought that my aunts did not ‘ appreciate ’ me , meaning that they did not go in for endearments or tell me how pretty I looked — she pointed out , one Sunday lunchtime , how well I had starched the table napkins , Aunt Lilian said , ‘ But why ?
13 In his school career , Gazzer had given a great deal of time , energy , and thought to getting round various people , to making sure that they did not take out their boredom , frustration or spite on him , the most obvious victim , the smallest and puniest boy in the class .
14 The Lebanese delegation at the Middle East peace talks in Washington [ see p. 39119 ] informed their Israeli counterparts on Sept. 22 that Israeli airman Ron Arad was definitely alive , but that they did not know where he was being held .
15 The officer had not seen the girl 's boyfriend and was told that they did not know where he was .
16 While Wasps could relax and enjoy their Goldington Road romp , Bedford learned nothing that they did not know already .
17 In addition , four- and five-year-olds often said explicitly that they did not know less , or even asked what it meant .
18 Taking into account the fact that they made fewer comments about individual types of credit than men , women 's comments were more likely to be that they did not know how a type of credit worked than men 's ; and less likely to say that it was easy to understand and use .
19 The United Kingdom expert , very surprisingly , was equally silent on this matter ; he explained the purpose of Article 23 as being to enable Contracting States to refuse to execute Letters of Request which lacked specificity in that they did not describe precisely enough the documents to be obtained or examined .
20 Three or four weeks ago , everyone watched the first wobbles of his journey with a critical eye , so critical , in fact , that they did not notice when he picked up speed later .
21 I am sure that they did not consider just talking to London Transport about that .
22 But they did say I think distinctly that they did not pick up at Norwood Gardens .
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