Example sentences of "[that] they [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The message that they brought to each doorstep , however , required revision several times during the programme .
2 Empowering local communities , that 's what really frightens the Tories , because what it means is they 'll never be able to come back with those repressive and regressive policies that they brought in two years ago .
3 They were busy packing a basket with the things that Sigarup would need , talking quietly , moving back and forth between the two rooms : collecting blankets , cooking pots , a bag of wheat flour , salt and chilli , the cotton tarpaulin that they stretched across upright sticks to make a tent .
4 It is known that the Lombard King Alboin brought his army and then his people on to the plain in 568 , and that they met with little resistance as the Goths had almost vacated the area by that time .
5 Some still retained private property as is evidenced by the fact that they met in private houses and that they would sell their assets if people were seen to be in need .
6 They fly home today without any punishment over our exposure of Aqib 's ball doctoring or Lamb 's revelation that they cheated during last weekend 's one-day international .
7 I did tell him , however , that the older boys — and I was form-master of the modern sixth — were keenly interested in what was going on in modern literature , but that they seemed to some extent cushioned against modern life in their ignorance , which was almost total , of such currents of thought as Marxism .
8 They were considered so remarkable that many people , biologists among them , were unable to believe that they arose through natural selection .
9 But of course , the ‘ life from space ’ hypothesis does not answer the question of how the very first organic molecules arose ; and it seems at least as likely that they arose on primitive Earth as elsewhere .
10 Why then be surprised that they led to incompatible consequences , even if that included different effects upon the distant system B ?
11 You see the only way that you can really discipline them is when you have a school where the rules have been very , very strict from the moment that they went into that school and they have had their noses held to the grindstone with work up to their brows and they just do n't think of being tiresome and anybody who is tiresome is pulled out and put in a special room on their own , called a sin bin an which is rather boring and made to work even harder !
12 When 16 Mediterranean states signed a similar ‘ framework treaty ’ in 1976 they considered it so insubstantial that they insisted on all parties to the treaty also signing at least one of the more detailed and binding protocols .
13 That they wrote to each other for a while . ’
14 On one occasion , when time had been scheduled in a departmental meeting for discussion of my questions , ten out of twelve members of staff present indicated that they had at one time or another received complaints from girls ( usually in the third or fourth year ) about the male bias of their overall literary ‘ diet ’ .
15 Now when I tell you about lodging houses , we had four registered lodging houses in Ipswich that they had at that time .
16 I do n't know if anyone wants to put anything into the pool of things that , points that we raised and er or a general feeling that they had after that meeting .
17 It is believed that they migrated to central Italy from Asia Minor or possibly further east in the eighth century B.C. ; remaining dominant and independent until the third century B.C. after which they were gradually Latinised under Roman rule .
18 However , among the older age groups there was a very marked gender difference in the prevalence of these symptoms ; 43 per cent of women aged 65 — 74 report that they suffered from painful joints compared with 28 per cent of males .
19 In addition a doctor mentioned the advantage of his privileged background and several people indicated that they came from medical families .
20 Although precise definitions are hard to come by , it is clear that they looked to some kind of ideal worker , that is , someone who was trustworthy , interested , intelligent , literate and numerate , full of initiative , and capable of mental and physical agility .
21 The scrolls of the ears flat against the side of the skull were so large that they looked like abnormal excrescences .
22 But you know , certainly the way the letters had been written , and the fact that they became by recorded delivery , you know if it was a bluff , it was , certainly fooled me .
23 Of course , if you think about it the consequences of that is these guys die and when they die , those wives that they married as young girls are now middle-aged women or possibly younger , anyway past their youth , but th th they , they may not be .
24 They walked slowly up the church path , past the old graves , those so seared by time and weather that they stood as grey shapes furred with lichen , names and dates no longer legible , uniform in obscurity .
25 If these three individuals are innocent of the charge that they contributed in any way to the Holocaust , then that innocence should be revealed in a trial .
26 Rubberneck , on his part — he saw his sister gloat over the suitcase , the bits of coloured paper — well , he preferred that she gloated ; it was a rest , his knees on the hard floor , that they knelt in endless prayer .
27 You wo n't be surprised to learn that they won by ten wickets .
28 It was there that they bumped into some friends of Alexander 's , a couple with two young children of their own , and spent an hour chatting with them round the café table .
29 Throughout the proceedings people were conscious that they spoke for all Zuwaya , addressing each other formally as ‘ You , Zuwayi there ’ and referred to themselves collectively as ‘ We Zuwaya ’ .
30 And the only record that we have in scripture of any evidence of folk having received the Holy Spirit was that they spoke with other tongues .
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