Example sentences of "[that] they [verb] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You know and if you 'd seen the size of the temple there were thinking well , come on , and the trouble that they 'd gone through over their history to establish er a capital city with a temple as the main feature , they were not happy about him saying that .
2 ‘ I was frantic that they 'd found out about the flat , where she lived .
3 Now that they 've gone back to school she has a bit of a job with the I 've got ta go you know , I said we 'll have so many people round talking you know she said he 'd got a terrible !
4 This is usually because they 've never thought much about Christianity and the only opinions that they have got are ones that they 've picked up from their parent(s) or the TV .
5 They admit that they get pissed off with bad gigs , not getting enough sleep and tour vans breaking down so often that they end up ‘ losing it ’ and crawling over the banks of motorways looking for crisp packets .
6 WARSAW ( Reuter ) — Carmelite nuns denied a report that they had moved out of a convent at the former Nazi death camp of Auschwitz which has caused a row between Roman Catholics and Jews .
7 The Fontanellatesi , like all Italians , felt happy ; happy that they had stood up to the Fascists , and happy that they had helped the escaped prisoners .
8 It was not that this could be attributed to a weakening of moral fibre on their part , but rather that they had grown up in a society in which there were few straightforward moral guidelines , and into ‘ a community which is thoroughly confused about morals , and … their behaviour reflects that confusion ’ .
9 The rebels in Makati calmly bargained for surrender terms which , they insisted , should include her own resignation — and the terms behind the government 's report that they had gone back to barracks were not immediately clear this morning .
10 Some who were on the list contested their placing and felt ‘ it was unreasonable that they had lost out in the advertisement race ’ .
11 But she soon realised that they had come down to the manor only as a duty ( perish the word ! ) and courtesy to her , and regarded the house as a white elephant , being too far away and too cold for weekend breaks .
12 The reference to the tent meant either that ‘ John Parsons ’ had written it , and was hoping to see me around , or that they had teamed up on a declared truce .
13 In January 1982 , Malawi Radio announced that the Chirwas had been arrested with their son on Christmas Eve , and claimed that they had slipped back into the country to incite opposition to Banda 's Government .
14 The two sides announced that they had settled out of court .
15 She looked very vulnerable and Emily wished that they had started off on a more pleasant footing .
16 Of course , even within the stated parameters , comprehensiveness is an impossible goal , because some publications escape the net , or are listed so late that they have gone out of print or are out-of-date by the time they appear .
17 High prices and a determination to stick to plain , some say ‘ dull ’ pieces , meant that they have missed out on a growing market for decorative items in the lower price range , while the move to new premises essentially changed their image from a shop to a ‘ view by appointment ’ private gallery .
18 One reason there is so little change in most traditional bureaucratic organizations , I argue , is that they have conditioned out of people the willingness to stand up for a new idea .
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