Example sentences of "[that] it [modal v] not [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It can not be argued so categorically that this was the sole source of the style in the twelfth century or that it would not soon have developed in a similar manner elsewhere if the Île de France had not then produced it .
2 But a community that accepts integrity has a vehicle for organic change , even if it is not always wholly effective , that it would not otherwise have at all .
3 This is one of the earliest references we have in Milton to his own dedication to the task of preparing himself for leaving something to aftertimes that it would not willingly let die .
4 It would be extremely unattractive to any group of workers or management to enter a serious bid if they had been told by the Scottish Office that the bid was so contemptible that it would not even qualify for assistance if it failed because another bid from within the same management or work force had been judged as superior .
5 The main fact that would make AT&T look twice is that it would not likely play well with its own shareholders in the short term .
6 The government had let it be known on Sept. 30 that it would not now call a general election in 1991 .
7 The cost of this project to the town has been £20,698 and Mr. Downham hoped that it would not only give much enjoyment , but would be treated with respect by all , so that it can be enjoyed for many years .
8 ONCE UPON a time , the government of Norway promised that it would not only protect the wolf as an endangered species , but even maintain a breeding population of the beast .
9 In drawing up his list of inhabitants of Corfe Castle in 1794 , the compiler justified his efforts by claiming that it would not only help the overseers keep in touch with actual and potential needs , but would " enable the magistrates to form an opinion on the propriety of applications for parochial relief on the one hand , and of the refusal of it by the parish officers on the other " .
10 I certainly have no objection to your publishing my name and address in the next issue of CONTACT and would hope that it would not only motivate people already over here in North America to get in touch with one another but also those at present studying in Salford who might have an interest in working here after graduation .
11 The US State Department announced on Dec. 3 that it would not formally recognize the new regime , which it accused of being backed and financed by Libya .
12 One health authority is already negotiating with a French hospital , but it is under the impression that it may not yet make use of that facility .
13 The authority 's line that it should not even do any homework on self-governing is considered impractical .
14 Because investment business is peripheral to their main activity ( and it is a condition of authorisation that it should not normally exceed 20% of total fee income ) , many firms allow themselves to remain woefully ignorant of the regulations and of how to apply them within their own practice .
15 By contrast , the Corinthians passage in which Paul speaks of male headship , and in which it is said that women should be silent ( a verse which is probably an interpolation and does not owe to Paul ) , he is concerned with a practical situation which has arisen , a situation in which the church , still insecure in a pagan world , was likely to cause scandal if it departed too far from social convention — and his concern is that it should not unnecessarily put itself in jeopardy .
16 It might ; but a forthcoming study by the University of Birmingham 's Institute for Local Government on the abolition of the West Midlands Metropolitan County Council in 1985 suggests that it will not necessarily prove cheaper .
17 ‘ By sending love for hatred you will so neutralise it that it will not only have no effect upon you , but will not be able even to reach you . ’
18 But if anything , the rate may already be too high , bringing with it the danger that it will not only remove excess demand , but push the economy into recession .
19 It will incorporate the functionality of Windows for Workgroups , and will include its own native 32-bit file system and device drivers integrated with a Windows kernel so that it will not technically require MS-DOS to run , although it may be packaged so that MS-DOS 7.0 , which will also include the 32-bit features , has to be installed first .
20 It will incorporate the functionality of Windows for Workgroups , and will include its own native 32-bit file system and device drivers integrated with a Windows kernel so that it will not technically require MS-DOS to run , although it may be packaged so that MS-DOS 7.0 , which will also include the 32-bit features , has to be installed first .
21 The decision of an inferior tribunal with a limited jurisdiction and a limited function to perform is capable of creating an estoppel for all purposes , subject to the principles that it can not conclusively determine the limits of its own jurisdiction and that a public official can not be debarred from performing his statutory duty .
22 Without that proof , we would hold it against the conditional theory that it can not even show that we know that we are not brains in a vat .
23 This may arise when there are excesses in the diet or when the digestive system is upset and weakened so that it can not fully break down the food for the body to use .
24 On the other hand , the leadership appreciates that it can not indefinitely trample upon the deeper convictions of the solid party supporters .
25 In those days the prostate was so far below the standard of respectability that it could not even have been mentioned in the newspaper .
26 It is a defence that the breach of duty under the Act is attributable to hostile action in the course of any armed conflict , but it is not a defence that it is attributable to a natural disaster , notwithstanding that the disaster is of such an exceptional character that it could not reasonably have been foreseen .
27 In such situations its decision should only be overturned for bias when it acted in such a way prior to its decision that it could not properly have exercised its discretion , taking due account of its interest in the proceedings .
28 ( The great Pasteur believed that he had shown that it could not so evolve . )
29 It does rather spoil the fun , though , when the spoof is too obvious — the one in the 31 March issue was so obviously naive and reckless in its content that it could not possibly have fooled anybody with even a grain of sense .
30 Sources say Novell Inc has already sent scouts to call on David Tory at the Open Software Foundation with the message that it could not possibly sell Unix with Motif at the kind of price the Foundation charges for a licence : it says the Foundation is now redoing its sums .
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