Example sentences of "[that] it [modal v] [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Outside the immaculately maintained and smartly guarded naval enclaves , where minds were drilled as thoroughly as bodies in uniformity and obedience , the privilege of royal society was granted on condition that it would be denied to all outsiders .
2 It was a pity that it would be blown to atoms long before it got there .
3 At the end of the meeting the principal adviser explained what would happen to the report next : that it would be presented to governors and to the appraisal subcommittee , and that any teacher could attend these meetings .
4 But fears that it would be given to poorly educated women or ethnic minorities , without their informed consent , led the Health Minister , Kenneth Clarke , to refuse the drug a full licence last year .
5 Contrary to declarations that there was no government policy for sterling and that it would be left to the markets to decide , by late 1981 the government intervened to reverse a fall in the exchange rate , and raised base rate to 16 per cent .
6 Seek not after new light for the searching into the private records of God … the event is registered in heaven , and we can expect no other certain notice of it , but that it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared by the Father of mercies . ’
7 On this occasion , his uncle , the peppery old Nabob , was bidden to dine at the Cecil Hotel , in order that it might be proved to him that a respectable curry could be had outside the portals of the East India Club .
8 However there were indications yesterday that it may be limited to proposals as to how the two would cooperate if they were ordered to combine their efforts by the NATO European Fighter Management Agency , which is responsible for purchasing the system .
9 However there were indications yesterday that it may be limited to proposals as to how the two would cooperate if they were ordered to combine their efforts by the NATO European Fighter Management Agency , which is responsible for purchasing the system .
10 Bar-Belle 's Len Perry says that it may be converted to an L-4 Grasshopper , or it may be painted pink and called Tinker-Belle !
11 DISCUSSIONS have been taking place in Birkenhead over the future of St Laurence 's parish , and one proposal is that it should be joined to Our Lady 's Parish .
12 What we need to be certain about is that whatever society is involved in or whatever organisation is involved in balloting that it should be seen to be done properly .
13 The SFO argued that it should be denied to Mr Nadir .
14 It will be the Master of the Rolls who decides whether an appeal is so important that it should be referred to a court composed of more than three judges , even though decisions of such courts formally have no greater weight than those of three judge courts .
15 The matter had been taken up with the Bank of Ireland and he would be recommending to the incoming Executive Committee that it should be referred to the Labour Court , on the basis that it is gross discrimination .
16 Such a position , however , makes it more difficult thereafter for the solicitor to admit that the case presents too great a challenge and that it should be transferred to a solicitor with even more ‘ substantial criminal experience ’ .
17 Lord Denning said that it should be limited to the mail order business only because Harris ' contract was at all relevant times with the mail order part of Littlewoods ' business .
18 If the work is commissioned by a PR consultant , the — copyright is his unless it has been arranged that it should be assigned to the client .
19 More important problems are posed by the inevitable subjectivity associated with estimates of future outcomes and the absence of any yardstick by which the auditor can determine at what point the perceived variability in cash flows is such that it should be drawn to the attention of shareholders and other interested parties .
20 In a case involving a sum of money the property of a foreign state and whether it is proper that it should be paid to a firm of solicitors whose authority to act on behalf of that state is in question , the court should , with the assistance of an amicus if necessary , decline to make an order for the payment out of a sum in court to a firm of solicitors without being satisfied of the authority of that firm of solicitors .
21 ‘ On the contrary , I think it 's so great that it should be put to better use .
22 this threshold for worldwide turnover is to be reviewed by the Council before 21 December 1993 and the Commission has stated its view that it should be reduced to 2,000 million ecu ( roughly £1400 million ) .
23 If a cohort of patients with diabetes shows poor control this study has found little evidence that it should be attributed to factors specific to non-diabetic patients .
24 ‘ This meeting , having taken into consideration the proceedings of former meetings , and being informed that many respectable persons delay giving their names as subscribers while the proceedings of the committee are subject to be reported to the Odiham Society , and are under the controul [ sic ] thereof , find it expedient to detach themselves from that Society , the work on which they are engaged being of so considerable importance , the reformation and improvement of Farriery , requiring that it should be confined to that purpose and use alone , and be under the sole management and control of its own members .
25 This money ( £89.99 ) is available for sporting or recreational uses in the parish and I 'm pleased to tell you that at their recent meeting the Parish Council agreed that it should be passed to Scorton Bowling Club .
26 Edward Pearce holding forth , telling us no one should get involved in politics but Edward Pearce — that it should be left to the ‘ experts ’ .
27 The last straw was when a totally serious Westite Unionist remarked that , as it was a shooting matter , he recommended that it should be left to the army to investigate as it had a lot of experience of shootings of one kind and another .
28 To the disappointment of the Law Society and the Lord Chancellor 's Advisory Committee , the Lord Chancellor declined to fund a full-time secretariat , claiming that it should be left to local or charitable sources .
29 It suggested that submission obtained by threats other than of violence might suffice for rape and held that it should be left to the jury , with adequate direction from the judge , to make up its mind whether or not on the facts of each case the woman had truly consented .
30 Although control is , in these circumstances , more easily established it is unlikely that it will be generalized to other sites .
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