Example sentences of "[that] have [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The question is whether UN agencies can form a check-and-balance to the multinational corporation that has yet to admit that profit is not ( quite ) enough to control activities affecting millions of lives .
2 In a takeover campaign that has already seen vitriolic language , he responds to the charge that he is mounting the bid to enrich himself and his friends by saying : ‘ Nobody could take that as a criticism — this is an investor group .
3 It may be a topic that has already aroused great controversy , e.g. the Defence Committee inquiry into Westland helicopters .
4 Nobody who is sensible or sane would say that we should export more arms to a country that is already awash with them , because it would do little more than increase the bloodshed that has already stained that country .
5 Equally no-one travelling on to Nicaragua could fail to notice the difference from Guatemala — people still have to live with civil war but for ten years have had a government that has actively promoted mental health .
6 At very long meetings , punctuated by the arrival of quite excellent sandwiches — for me the most unhealthy of all foodstuffs — I had to listen to the outpourings of the leading fanatics in the medical profession ; to the timorous intervention of the moderates ; and happily to the constant , wise and soothing interventions of Derek Damerell , the chief executive of BUPA , to whom the country owes a debt that has never received proper recognition .
7 It 's the fleecy top that has really revolutionised outdoor gear .
8 There 's a consoling belief , one that has always held dull sway over critical and receptive minds , that both rock and pop are fundamentally about Good Songs .
9 It would be the ultimate in the corruption of a people by paternal kindliness — a corruption that had already taken great hold in the country .
10 The decade ended with Standards for school media programs , published jointly by the American Library Association and the National Education Association in 1969 , embodying what was undoubtedly the most advanced and breathtaking model of the role of the school library media centre that had ever received official imprimatur .
11 She heard the amazement , as if what she 'd suggested had to be beyond all rational consideration ; certainly not anything that had ever merited any thought on his part .
12 But all that had really happened that evening , he thought , was that he had developed something that was very nearly envy of Dave Fernie .
13 The solution was relatively easy partly because what was required by society as a whole fitted in very closely with what the showmen believed themselves and partly because the new social awareness was really only a refinement of those old nineteenth-century platitudes that had always underpinned popular fiction .
14 Now the sons , dominated by their love for and estimation of the primal father could maintain the altruism and cooperativeness of their way of life because of their guilt regarding the one thing that had always threatened that cooperation — their lust .
15 He knew , in his heart , that he had always been a little bit frightened of it really … opening out the throttle … he remembered the feeling of queasiness that had always accompanied that burst of power .
16 ICAM-1 expression is only seen , however , in cells that have already undergone some degree of activation and therefore the actual initial adhesion event supporting antigen presentation to the antigen receptor may be between LFA-1 and ICAM-3 .
17 Now the company has rallied 20 vendors that have jointly introduced standard Application Programming Interfaces for IBM Corp 's Systems Network Architecture to be included in the Windows and Windows NT operating systems .
18 you know , the houses that have just got one wall and a little , or a garage which is higher than just about as high as I think
19 Within the past few years there have been developments that give rise to the hope that before too long we shall have a filly consistent quantum theory of gravity , one that will agree with general relativity for macroscopic objects and will , one hopes , be free of the mathematical infinities that have long bedeviled other quantum field theories .
20 He backs this up with examples of marketing successes that have deliberately flaunted conventional wisdom of respecting the idiosyncrasies of particular national economies .
21 What British people so often fail to understand is that the old inter-island divisions and prejudices that have always dogged Caribbean life are still present , and that a successful cricket team is the one thing that transcends this fragmentation .
22 A client that 's already got some insurance .
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