Example sentences of "[that] he have come [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A few years later , a homosexual friend of Anne 's said that he had come across a man who looked like Dustin , who hung out in gay bars , telling everyone he was Dustin Hoffman .
2 He might as well have descended on the Palace , announcing that he had come for a stay .
3 As he stared at her he knew that he had come to a crossroads , that if he gave in to her now he 'd have to give into her again and again and again .
4 When nothing happened , and he realised that he had come to a place without facilities , he retired for another consultation .
5 Before he expected , his feet met blocks of stone , and he realised that he had come to the edge of the great sprawling tip of the infill .
6 He told me that he had come to the Legion so that he could kill people without going to prison .
7 I went to see Eric to tell him about this conversation and found that he had come to the same conclusion .
8 But he may also have intended to remind those present that he had come to the throne as a result of the treaty he had made with Edmund , which according to Florence of Worcester established peace , friendship and brotherhood between them .
9 Despite the fact that he had come from a long line of soldier forebears , even the combination of breeding , upbringing and training no longer made it easy for him to bear the tedium of army life with good grace .
10 The inference that he did so by selling is supported by the incidental evidence of miracle-stories : one from St-BenoƮt-sur-Loire , for instance , recorded in the 870s , tells of two " comrades " ( compares ) at the monastery 's weekly market , who quarrelled over the 12d. they had made on their joint transactions ; another story of similar date from St-Hubert in the Ardennes has a peasant ( rusticus ) stating quite explicitly that he has come to an annual fair " to acquire the wherewithal to pay what I owe to my lord " .
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