Example sentences of "[that] he [adv] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On his return to France he was so enthusiastic about them that he even planted a trial field and let the local population steal them so that they could experience this new vegetable for themselves .
2 At this period Cornford had so separated politics from poetry that he even published a poem in the Listener under a pseudonym .
3 He got so fed up with it that he even tried a salmon shepherd 's pie to make it more interesting .
4 Labour was utilised more efficiently , and as well as being mindful of his employer 's interests , Barratt demonstrated that he also had a care for his workmen .
5 Reports suggested that he also took a message from Walesa asking for approval for the sacking of Finance Minister Lescek Balcerowicz , the architect of Poland 's " shock therapy " free-market economic programme .
6 Observers noted , however , that he also urged a committee established by the General People 's Congress to " negotiate directly with America " , without UN mediation .
7 He stood aside for McLeish , then took himself off , observing unnecessarily that he just had a wee bit paperwork to finish up .
8 Hartlepool magistrates heard that he allegedly threw a petrol bomb into the rear of the premises .
9 There is a reference in a letter from one of his dependents that he eventually took a passage home from Corfu on a naval vessel in 1843 ; and that an 1851 census shows that he was living with his wife and two of his daughters at Longhorsley , his birthplace .
10 Lothar replied that he simply had a skin complaint that could be cleared up in a few days .
11 Mickey was so delighted that he promptly scored a hat trick in his side 's 4–1 win .
12 Death , although exceptionally busy at all times , decided that He now had a hobby .
13 He did not like her visits ; not only had she viewed his bum , but his rolling tears , so that he now felt a sissy .
14 The result is that he now has a company worth £1.5bn .
15 What causes offence is that he merely represents a shifting of values for the mass of young people .
16 And then that 's another thing he always got something to eat which was a great help of those days , and especially if there was If mother was baking or anything like that he always got a scone or something , mhm .
17 A murder suspect has told a court that he accidentally stabbed a teenager to death during a street fight .
18 Rincewind relaxed slightly , which was to say that he still made a violin string look like a bowl of jelly .
19 It seemed to me that it was not only natural but positive : it demonstrated that he still had a relationship with God .
20 A shopkeeper in Nuremberg who said to a customer what ‘ in these days was common to almost everybody in Nuremberg ’ , that Hitler was set on continuing the war , tried to deceive the people into thinking that he still had a miracle weapon , and was ‘ nothing more than a criminal ’ , was denounced by the customer , taken away by the police , and shot for ‘ subversion of the military power ’ .
21 But he said afterwards that he still had a lot to learn about driving an Indycar .
22 If so it is all the greater tribute to his qualities that he never took a step to force the issue or to encourage abdication .
23 ‘ And the fact that he never got a kick at Maine Road , and the sort of game he watched today , makes English football very attractive to him .
24 Though Hobbes had already made enemies of John Wallis and Seth Ward , two of its founder members , over his claim to have solved the geometrical problem of squaring the circle , it was at least partly due to his association in the popular mind with a materialistic atheism that he never became a Fellow .
25 Despite this inauspicious start he became an educated and articulate person who occasionally had to remind his company that he never heard a voice , not even his own .
26 Yet Evans-Pritchard records that he never met a Zande who admitted to practising witchcraft , although when pressed Zande might acknowledge that witchcraft substance could act on its own account , perhaps even against the conscious intentions of the person concerned .
27 Jeremiah experienced God as a pain that invaded his every limb , and Muhammad said that he never received a revelation without feeling that his soul was being torn from his body .
28 ‘ He was a middle-aged guy and I was beginning to think that he never saw a guy with long hair before .
29 Talking about him with the others , I did find out that several other people had had the same experience with him as me ; that his lovemaking was done in silence , that he never said a word ( in fact with me he hardly looked me in the eye either , just stared at his own hands as he moved them over my body , not stroking so much as seizing and kneading me , holding me down too ) ; but then later in the night you would wake to hear him talking to himself , lying there fast asleep ( O always asked the men he fucked to stay with him all night long , always ) , fast asleep and talking out loud in the night , talking in a fast , furious , hushed , hollow voice .
30 Alcatraz on the grounds that he never finishes a sentence .
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