Example sentences of "[that] he [verb] [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Gen. Try Sutrisno , the C.-in-C. of the Indonesian Armed Forces , said on Dec. 27 that he respected and supported the KPN 's preliminary findings .
2 Indeed , a business manager involved in trying to develop a portfolio analysis of SBUs recently stated to me that he knew that assessing the profitability of the different SBUs was a key step in determining market attractiveness , but he did not know which accounting concept was correct .
3 The aircraft Crew Chief had a routine that he followed when opening the bomb doors and he always stood in the same place ; fairly adjacent to one of the doors .
4 He confirmed that he understood and signed the record of interview as accurate .
5 The King said that he had considered abdicating over the question of whether to meet Israel face-to-face , but that he believed that attending the talks would add weight to international calls for Israel 's withdrawal from the occupied territories .
6 Young wheat especially , so pure and tender , woke in him the same emotion that he had when observing the face of a sleeping baby .
7 He rushed along London Street and Bridge Road so fast that he puffed and staggered the last few yards to the cottage where he lived with his parents and two younger brothers .
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