Example sentences of "[that] i [vb past] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , barn owls are reckoned to be one of the hardest breeds to hand-rear and train , and they are n't recommended for beginners — though I did n't know that then , What I did know was that I 'd probably lost the battle with this owl before I 'd started : I suspected he would be impossible to train , but I was so hooked on the idea of having my own bird that I could hardly drag myself away when I was looking at him .
2 I remember waking up in the middle of the night with a big smile on my face , feeling really pleased with myself , thinking that I 'd just had a wet dream .
3 You know how I do , I could n't remember that I 'd actually started the the Easter term doing the erm choices etcetera , I always thought it was the later half of that term , the latter half of that term .
4 You know I 'm , in some ways you know I 'm so glad I 've never had like well before you know it used to bother me that I 'd never had a long-term relationship and that
5 That I am living in Britain in the first place has everything to do with the fact that I came here to start the magazine you are reading , a magazine for men .
6 Very fortunately , for goldfinches and linnets , I soon discovered , happened to be two of the reserve 's commonest species and it would have been akin to rushing out to tell my neighbours back home that I had just seen a sparrow in the yard .
7 This was despite the fact that I had already visited the Algerian Embassy to no effect after writing thirteen times .
8 Visualising the map again , I reckoned that I had probably hit the shore a little to the west of where I landed .
9 I also had to wear new pink sandals that I had only received the morning of the wedding .
10 There had been a delay in building it , so that I had only managed a few hours ' practice in the streets of Salford .
11 Ellen said in a tone which implied that I had entirely misunderstood the senator 's motives , which she would now have to explain to me by the application of sound feminist arguments .
12 I mean , I 've always felt that I had better do a helluva lot of acting .
13 I was astonished to read Ben Moon saying in the July issue of Climber that I had never climbed an 8c .
14 It was the first time that I had ever seen the inside of a police cell .
15 These tests established exactly what they had done before ; namely that I did indeed have an exceptionally accurate visual memory .
16 I 'm sure he 's going to be fine , but I think I 'll have to make it clear that I did actually have a life before he came along , and I do n't particularly want to do everything with him !
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