Example sentences of "[that] it be [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Labour benches had several new members and , dare I suggest , green Councillor , with no memory of the disastrous economic policies of the last Labour Government , or the ensuing distress that it 's huge army of unemployed .
2 Just that it 's different way of dealing with it .
3 Although haggling is common in countries such as India , it is a mistake to assume that it is standard practice throughout the world .
4 Does the Prime Minister agree with the proposition that it is entirely sensible for a Government to borrow prudently in order to fund capital investment to build economic recovery but that it is sheer folly for a Government to borrow in order to buy votes for an election ?
5 There has been some sharp criticism in some areas of the sporting press — principally on three counts : That the turnover generated does not contribute to the levy ; that it is a snub to the all-weather experiment ; that it is pure exploitation of the punter .
6 The likely explanation is that it is biotic pressure from competing neighbours rather than ‘ harshness ’ of the physical environment that is the prime cause of death of most plants and perhaps of natural selection .
7 This suggests that it is general practice for the courts to admit evidence of intoxication as a defence to the charge where this negatives the requisite mens rea .
8 Firstly , although referral patterns will reflect individual practice , continued use of dilatation and curettage by gynaecologists reinforces the notion for general practitioners and patients that it is appropriate treatment for menstrual irregularity in women under 40 .
9 One problem here is that it is cold comfort to an individual citizen that he can use the political process to air his grievances , for example by writing to his MP or councillor or to the press or voting for another party next time round .
10 You may not yourself be in the habit of taking this small precaution to avoid knocking at some highly inappropriate moment , but I always have been and can vouch that it is common practice amongst many professionals .
11 Our diagnosis of want shows that it is low-income families with children — the unemployed and low-wage earners — who are worst off .
12 In this sense , Kant argues , ‘ the dog can not judge ’ , which does not mean that it is fair game for any purpose we might devise .
13 Yes , yes , that 's right , they use , yeah , but I insisted that it were open doors for you as jobs were so hard to get , I said it were open doors for you and it did it helped them both .
14 I can not find that it was undue influence of the kind which sapped her will and destroyed her volition , but I am satisfied that the pressure of her mother , the very presence of her mother , the mother 's fervent belief in the sin of blood transfusion , the patient 's desire to please her mother , despite their troubled relationship , all of this contributed to the focus of attention being drawn to blood transfusion before anyone else had ever contemplated its need .
15 Although the New Statesman suggested that it was possible abuses of the law that required assessment , much of the pressure for change , as has been suggested , came from those who viewed with concern what appeared to be the increasing visibility of homosexuality .
16 She 'd known that it was childish behaviour on her part , but she had n't been able to help herself .
17 That was his word , and it struck me at the time that it was extreme language for a man of his temperament .
18 They moved again , pulling away , but Floy and Snodgrass could see that it was hard work for them .
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