Example sentences of "[that] the [noun] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is the hall mark of a contract of sale of goods that the parties enter into a mutual commitment that the buyer thereby acquires or shall acquire ownership of the goods .
2 Broadly , goods are in course of transit from the time that they are delivered to an independent middleman for the purpose of transmission to the buyer , until the time that the buyer actually obtains or is entitled to obtain possession .
3 ( e ) The Lords in Charles and Lambie said that the cardholder impliedly represents that he has the bank 's actual authority to use the card .
4 With regard to points three and four above , the prosecution has the choice of proving that the tippee either knew or had reasonable cause to believe the stipulated circumstances .
5 And proof that an informant had indeed reached Edward from the town was provided by the fact that the emissaries now demanded that the required hostage should be none other than Seton 's own son , a young man whom he had brought with him to Berwick on his first military venture , unfortunate a start as this had turned out to be .
6 Mr Palmer told the jury of eight men and four women that the pathologist also found that she was carrying a normally developed male child of between 30 and 32 weeks .
7 If they stammer and say they have not had time , the Chairman smiles icily and says that the committee fully understands and is sure that the reports will be available at the next meeting .
8 It is equally astonishing that the Germans never guessed that we were breaking the Enigma code .
9 ‘ I can not believe that the legislature ever intended that the powers contained in paragraph 1 , with the sanction of criminal penalties , should or could be invoked to obtain information or documents of a potentially incriminating nature from one who had already been cautioned and charged with offences under the Act …
10 However , it must also be recalled that the Prince always hoped that as time went on and his wife 's interests expanded , she would become a figure in her own right , carrying out independent duties .
11 It should be noted that the offences only apply where a misleading price indication is given by a person in the course of his business to a consumer .
12 There were , of course , one or two things that police officers kept to themselves , that the public never saw or heard , and that with the death of the Police Union there were no channels to articulate .
13 The fact that the company never had and was never entitled to have some of the documents and that certain of them could only be obtained by litigation with the appellants , in so far as they were relevant to issues in that litigation , are factors to take into account in the balancing exercise to be set against the purposes of the administration set out in section 8 of the Act of 1986 .
14 It was reported that the judge specifically ordered that the girl should not be named .
15 Moreover the amount of the penalty seems derisory — at any rate in the case of public companies — and it is difficult to believe that , as a deterrent against failing to file on time , this new sanction will prove any more effective than those that the Registrar formerly had and still has .
16 and we must insist that the Government either justifies or reports its position .
17 ‘ I condemn violence from whatever quarter , but it seems to me that the Government only responds when there is an outbreak of loyalist activity . ’
18 The project was a complete success in that the Russians never suspected that their Moscow traffic was being read .
19 There was no adequate trading base for this financial performance , and it is most unlikely that the promoters ever thought that there was .
20 And , now that the Act expressly recognises that a firm , as such , may be appointed and that increasingly accountancy firms are incorporated , it is expressly stated that what is then required is a signature in the name of the firm by a person authorised to sign on its behalf .
21 In the previous chapter it was emphasised that the authorities deliberately promoted and condoned violence , crime and racketeering in order to alienate both terrorist and legitimate political opponents of the government from their natural sympathisers .
22 The Spanish Armada was defeated so decisively that the English often reckoned that their command of the sea began then , although it was never secure until the end of the seventeenth century .
23 ‘ prisoner at the Bar , I will tell you what you ought to have done , and if you say you did not know , I will tell you that the Law conclusively presumes that you did .
24 The first of these is that the word generally translated as ‘ carpenter ’ does not , in the original Greek , mean merely a woodworker .
25 A decision which has never had any legal effect can not be deprived of legal effect , and so when we say that certiorari quashes a decision which the decision-maker had no jurisdiction to make , what we really mean is that the order formally declares that from the moment it was purportedly made ( ‘ ab initio ’ ) the decision had no effect in law .
26 He knows that the country now recognises that his party has been , is and always will be a party of high taxation , because it can not resist spending other people 's money .
27 Mr Irving 's denial that the Holocaust never happened and his defence of Adolf Hitler has incensed the relatives of those who died in death camps .
28 However each can learn something from the others , and it is thanks to International co-operation on this level that the RNLI began to operate the Waveney ( originally an American coastguard design ) , and that the Canadians now build and operate the Arun class .
29 This is when there has been such heavy use that the pile eventually flattens or there is excessive ‘ tracking ’ in a doorway .
30 The Hindus believe also that the universe periodically dissolves and is then recreated .
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