Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [prep] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Negativity can not exist without your giving it life .
2 One need not know about them to hold them out as a threat .
3 I do not see on what grounds it could be argued that an amendment on the subject of Capital Punishment is outside the scope of a comprehensive Bill amending the law relating to the methods by which the courts are empowered to deal with offenders .
4 However , if the princes did not call upon him to serve it was of no matter .
5 I but saw him the once , and yet can not bear for him to despise me so .
6 I can not account for its striking me more now than any other day , but it was as if new to me ; and I listened to every sentence he spoke as if to a musical composition . ’
7 You did n't laugh at him did you ?
8 No I really do n't want to mate , I really do n't want to you enjoy it .
9 If every pensioner I have to I I do n't want to I mean I a I do n't want people to think I 'm m m too much of an anarchist .
10 Do n't want to I want you to learn things but there 's no point in learning everything twice is there or learning more than you need to at the moment .
11 If you ca n't think of one make it up What 's the difference , what 's the difference
12 I ca n't think of one shot I 've taken that would be out of place in a family album .
13 Yes , yes , erm , but I would of liked to have bought her something pretty , I ca n't think of what to get her .
14 She ca n't think of what values she would like him to grow up with , as there is a more immediate concern .
15 ‘ She is , but do n't fall over yourself thanking her for it .
16 Doreen took a deep breath as she said in an urgent tone , ‘ I ca n't wait for you to make it official .
17 The thing is you 've got to it 's it 's like Nigel , I mean , he works for my uncle erm and he had the other guy Mark working for him for a few years and then he employed Nigel , but Mark was n't a fully qualified plumber and Nigel was and he 's ooh I do n't know about I think he 's about nineteen or no he 's about twenty three I think , yeah
18 It 's funny that shop did n't smell of it did it ?
19 I mean it does n't matter to them does it ?
20 It does n't matter at which level you play , if you play club tennis , then will know .
21 I was confused , not realising why you could n't speak to me to tell me what was wrong .
22 ‘ It 's time you called me Roman — we 're going to be very close to each other until we find Garry , and it wo n't do for you to address me as Mr Wyatt . ’
23 You did n't bring with you did you ?
24 Do n't look like it cause I think they finish earlier on Friday .
25 I was supposed to have a meeting on with erm , a couple of guys from the British Coal Enterprise down in Middlesbrough with , but unfortunately again the weather caught all of them out and they decided not to come , but did n't occur to them to say they would n't come , so I sat down there for an hour , and eventually managed to find a phone number and get in contact and the guy was still there , and he said oh no I 'm not coming up .
26 Martha wrote in turn — it did n't occur to her to say it aloud , although Richard could hear perfectly well — BUSY , SHE 'S PACKING .
27 Now , I do n't know whether that 's because i in your house there is n't a husband or a partner , or whether it did n't occur to you to say we , whether you always think of it as I or whether he 's out winning bread or you know , wha whatever it is , but
28 does n't sound like it does it ?
29 What they , yes , what they done , they used to have a large long pull with a hook on and attached to a rope and as the ship was coming up to the river , they would throw this here pole on to a ship with a hook and then pay the rope out and then get towed up to the quay , the ship would n't stop for them to pick them up , pick that boat
30 Since she does n't respond to my telling her to relax I ask who is this landlord anyway and has she got a rent book ?
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