Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] [det] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Crawford reminded the committee that he had not received any salary for a month , but offered to accept £245 for termination .
2 Paul Hunter , who runs a coach company which ferries schoolchildren to and from sports grounds , claims he has not received any money from the council for the service in recent months .
3 Only aerial defence depicted in the film was the efforts of two Air Corps pilots , George Welch and Kenneth Taylor , in their P–40s which had been parked at the auxiliary field at Haleiwa and not received any attention from the Japanese .
4 Channel 7 had assumed that the codes for accountants and solicitors were ‘ very much the same ’ and , said Mr Hyde , they had not received any indication from the Institute that a problem existed .
5 follow-up notes including a note of a date to telephone if you have not received any news from the interview and what you have learned from the interview ( see p. 63 follow-up for interviewees ) .
6 I have not received any representations about the allocation of parliamentary time for private Members .
7 The original division between those mentally handicapped children who were considered educable and those who were not formed some basis for the future classification of the mentally handicapped .
8 I emphasise that in taking that step , we have not formed any view on the planning merits of the proposal .
9 There were some worries , of course : I had not formulated any principles for the evaluation of an experience which was developing under our eyes ; and there were some obvious discrepancies between what students experienced in different schools .
10 Though I had worked out every detail for me and the wheelbarrow , I had not given much thought to the Land Rover .
11 At the Appeal today , Lord Lane said dabbling in heroin is dabbling in potential death , but Clarke , a machinist from Malvern , was not given enough credit for the fact that he had pleaded guilty .
12 The Councillor contended that the Committee had been overinfluenced by the need to make economies and had not given enough consideration to the local view , shown in letters and at a local meeting at which opposition to closure had been unanimous .
13 Ernst & Young thought that the APB had not given enough weight to the collateral changes which would be required , the timescale involved in the changes , and the very substantial costs which would arise .
14 Not surprisingly , I heard today that in in there 's to be a judicial review on the supposed Trust because they 've not given enough information to the public on which to start their enterprise .
15 IBM has not given any information about the performance or processing overheads that this may entail .
16 There was no significant difference between the number of words recalled in this condition and the number recalled by subjects who were not given any information about the theme of the passage .
17 The Federal Council had decided in principle in October 1991 to make EC membership its goal in European integration , but had not given any indication of a preferred timetable .
18 Well , so nothing , if the novel you have written is a good one and if nothing that you have done in the way of title , type of story , original laying-out of the situation has not broken that contract with the reader which says , " This will be a crime novel , it will entertain you first of all though it may cause you a little to think " .
19 However , because they had been unemployed , they had not earned enough money in the previous three years to qualify for the mature student allowance , and so it was denied to them .
20 A training event arranged by Lothian Region Community Education Department for senior members has , so far , not attracted any members of the club .
21 This time we had not noticed any incumbent on the barn wall .
22 Officials said the incident had not presented any danger to the environment .
23 The ending of the Cold War has not made much difference to the well-being of this country or the extent of the manufacture of weapons .
24 ‘ We have not made enough films in the last 12 months .
25 They 've refurbished it but they 've not made any space for a down escalator have they ?
26 In fact , there are now more companies with no plans for future investment ( 52 companies ) than companies that had not made any investment over the previous three years ( 43 ) .
27 ‘ Marriage will be the end of his talent , ’ Bonamy predicted , though I had not seen much talent in the poems Robin had so far shown me .
28 It is said that MPs have not had many letters about the case , in which three businessmen nearly went to jail for doing what the Government had encouraged them to do .
29 Chapman , a Yorkshireman , had not had much success as a player , but he shone as a manager , first with Huddersfield and then with Arsenal , where he had a salary of £2,000 a year and wrote a column for the Sunday Express into the bargain .
30 If you ask a roomful of people whether anyone has not had any sleep in the previous twenty-four hours , it is very rare indeed to find a serious candidate .
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