Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] [conj] he [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although he is now a few months past the usual retirement age of 65 , Mr Sulzberger has not disclosed when he will go .
2 He has not said whether he will consider taking a peerage .
3 Mr Aycliffe , have you not thought that he could have been imprisoned ? ’
4 It 's not known if he 'll return to the school .
5 He was cleared at Bow Street Magistrate Court in January last year because he was not asked whether he would prefer to give a urine or blood sample at Vine Street police station .
6 He had not asked if he might use her first name , but it seemed to be the practice here and she had no reason to object .
7 In fact , he was so eager to be off that he would have left it in the street if I had not insisted that he should take the coals to his mother . ’
8 His mother , he knew , would never have expected him to walk those yards alone had she known that he suffered such atavistic panic , but she had n't known and he would have died before telling her .
9 He was pleased she had n't suggested that he should fetch it .
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