Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] i [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd better write that down or I 'll never remember it specially with er what comes next ?
2 ‘ Do n't let her in or I 'll never get any lunch .
3 Better stop and walk to the Post Office Sorting Office — the light is closing in and I would rather do the mile there and mile back in daylight .
4 ‘ I 've wanted to win every game I have ever played in and I will never change that outlook .
5 He 'd come to us with numbers he wanted to get off and I 'd just play a chord on the guitar and he 'd write a number round it .
6 The lights were n't on but I could just see him .
7 Well , three nuts spat me out and I can honestly say that the first time I fell , headfirst , facing outwards , above the wall we had just climbed , I really did see stars .
8 Run ! at me but the message is n't getting through , there 's something else in the way , something else pulling me back , back to Andy and back to that frozen river bank ; I hear Andy crying out and I can still see him reaching towards me and he 's about to slip away from me again and I ca n't do anything … but I can , this time I can ; I can do something and I will .
9 In view of the afternoon 's exertions , tea-time must have been a difficult moment for tired guests , for as Princess Metternich noted : ‘ The Empress 's teas seemed to us a little drawn out and I must frankly admit that we preferred to take it in our own rooms by the fire with our friends while smoking a quiet cigarette .
10 I never hold back and I 'll always play like that . ’
11 I have n't carried the exercise out but I would simply say that it 's it 's not valid to do an exercise like this in the way that this is done .
12 Everyone will order me around and I will just have to smile and do as they say or they will not look after me when I am an old woman .
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