Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [verb] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Shepherd 's Bush , where he grew up , he and his family suffered an incident in which the police , who had surrounded the house in order to arrest Christie 's brother ( on a charge which never came to court ) then burst in and carried out the violent , unprovoked arrest of Christie and his father .
2 The other thing is my contribution to the new album is limited , Jake had most of the songs finished before I arrived and all I did was go in and lay down the bass tracks .
3 there may be an expectation that we should , we should be absorbing increase in and getting roughly the same amount of money , but .
4 Just fill in and send off the Free Trial Card .
5 Mihal beat away the burning logs with his club while Martin rushed in and picked up the old man .
6 Some children broke in and trampled down the surviving patch of ramsons .
7 Dot looked down and saw only the tussocky grass and a flat square stone .
8 ‘ Well , well , ’ she said , bending down and picking up the little frog , ‘ what have we here then ? ’
9 Dickinson got down and held back the prickly branches while Killion blundered out , his lips triphammering away at the opening consonants of all the swear-words he knew .
10 I mean I 've known lorries to go down and get out the human manure
11 Turn seed-heads upside down and tap out the tiny seeds on to white paper , so they are clearly visible .
12 With a groan that seemed to come from the bottom of the earth , Luke reached down and tore away the lacy silk that covered her .
13 He went down and picked up the dangling receiver .
14 I reached down and picked up the empty wine bottle and smashed it to the floor .
15 Impetus and the driving weight told , and the wedge , only a little misshapen now , crashed through and bore down the few extra yards upon the waiting English .
16 However , Ell moved quickly over and picked up the raw meat .
17 Smoothing down her skirt as she seated herself , she reached over and started up the secondary computer .
18 yeah , I could n't believe it I mean you go back five years he 'd never done things like that , he erm , missed the most easiest reds and left it right over the pocket and then Stephen Hendry went on and cleared up the whole frame , got a break of over a hundred
19 Well , we did n't have much luck out in the open because the rabbits saw or heard or smelt us coming a mile off and bolted down the nearest hole , even though we were mute and trying to stay down wind ( the wind kept switching direction in little gusts ) .
20 Without a moment 's delay Aunt Tossie got up and sailed down the long room , the ends of her boa floating out behind her , careless majesty in her gait .
21 Mad Eric has personalised his scum top by wearing the collar standing up and ironing down the front corners to make it look like a cravat — he now looks like Victorian Dad out of Viz. Berk .
22 Forsooth , my lord , quoth 1 , your sheep that were wont to be so meek and tame and so small eaters , now , I hear say , be become so great devourers and so wild , that they eat up and swallow down the very men themselves .
23 ‘ The delivery room was up two flights of stairs , so Tony picked me up and ran up the two flights with me .
24 They wanted to hug , cuddle , kiss , make daisy chains and watch the ducklings running on the surface of the lake , but one was told to grow up and pay back the beastly Jews who were wicked people and had put daddy Schicklgruber out of work , another that anyone who did n't enjoy riding bare back across Asia splitting skulls was a sissy , the third that all Mensheviks carried a knife up their sleeve and needed purging .
25 An elderly Indian woman in a sari is closing up and bringing down the grated gate .
26 And she reached up and rubbed out the two upright strokes , replacing them with diagonal ones leaning in and touching each other at the top .
27 She re-read his covering note again , picking up and turning over the other enclosed letter in her hands .
28 As Kalchu and I and some of the other men set out for home , they started to gather it up and hack off the dead branches that jut out from pine-trunks like thin stumps of arms .
29 If the voter is already conditioned to think in certain ways , what hope is there in relying on the people to rise up and cast out the military-industrial complex ?
30 ‘ Fancy telling Miss Hale that — well come on then , we 'll go up and see where the big fire was . ’
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