Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv] [coord] we [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 'd better go in anyway or we 'll end up having to sit in the shade for the rest of the week . ’
2 You go in today and we 'll talk about it in the evening .
3 After all we are only human beings down here and we could do with a lot more praise and comfort then we actually get .
4 Well they usually out out of the er hydrant on the quay cos the hydrant on the quay there used to be a water main a the water main used to go along there and we used to put so much water into the boat and now we come down and used to pump that out and then go back after some more .
5 Bye bye , Loot at Lunchtime tomorrow then , ten to one , er quarter to oneish just after the Action Line bulletin , listen in then and we 'll give you the qualifying question .
6 Er Loot at Lunchtime back tomorrow ten to one quarter to oneish listen in then and we 'll give you the qualifying question .
7 Okay , plonk your bottom down there and we 'll undo your shoes
8 Used to do it down there and we used to get stones that blew up and poinged everywhere !
9 Why do n't you go and sit down again and we 'll come in as soon as we 've finished these .
10 So come on downstairs and we 'll have a sherry .
11 This whole awful war will be over soon and we can get back to normal , thank God . ’
12 Bring your chair over then and we 'll wash your hands , hang on let mummy do it , do n't drag it , good boy , let's run the tap then you can get back to sleep
13 ‘ I 'll get up soon and we 'll have a game of draughts .
14 If you want to you can give up now and we 'll do some reading next .
15 ‘ Right , lad , sign up here and we 'll issue you with a travel warrant . ’
16 So stick together lads just for another week , whatever we we do , if we go back to work or if we stay out , it 'll be because of a unanimous vote or a majority vote in this lodge , you know w we came out together , we 'll go back together or we 'll stay out together .
17 And if , if , if that major issue then bring it back here and we 'll make the decision okay we wo n't do any more till we 're
18 Right get the cigarettes out then and we 'll have a snout .
19 We were fortunate really as we did n't have a lot of , you know , bombing round here but we used to go in .
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