Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv] [conj] [pron] [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It just slows you down so that there are no longer enough hours in the day , and then some things get put off and other things are only half-completed and you 're told you need help — an assistant priest , no less , to concentrate , as the Bishop with his unfailing instinct for the wrong word put it , on ‘ the donkey work ’ ( well , perhaps after all I was only a beast of burden , Father McGiff conceded ) to give you ‘ a chance to relax , take life more easily , think a bit more , pray a bit more , meditate ’ .
2 Using this ‘ spade ’ , they simply dig down vertically until they are about 50 cm ( 20 in ) deep .
3 wish the boss would of come in even when I 'm here .
4 There are times when I go down to the beach at The Pit and I 'm the only surfer down there and I 'm so frustrated with it all that I sit on a rock and shout my head off .
5 However , many inexperienced pilots get so thoroughly engrossed in the thermalling or what is going on elsewhere that they are temporarily ‘ switched off ’ to how they are flying .
6 cos they 're probably better off there than they are there .
7 Oh , he was earning more than I get but I was worse off then than I am now .
8 I 'm going out tonight and I 'm already worried and it 's only morning ! ’
9 Check them out carefully while they 're still in their bags in the shop , then convey them quickly home keeping them warm , and in the dark .
10 In that case I 'll hang on to it but I really think she ought to , actually I 'll I 'll take round there when I 'm home .
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