Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] a [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You 've not been on for a while have you ?
2 I 'm just going to put the video on for a moment Thank you .
3 And what we used to do to begin with the canal used to dip in the middle , you know there was bike wheels and dead cats and everything in it , and it used to dip and , and there was a sludge and , and the barges used to go up and down with a horse pulling them , and in the middle there was a , so you could n't bottom it in the middle , so when I learnt to swim I used to dive off this ledge and go under the water so far and I , I could reach the bottom when I got to the other side .
4 This , this poem 's called Dancing Feet Time found hidden in a hard day , dry earth becomes a dance floor , audience of three fowl , the fourth along with a reaper turns it back , wooden shoes meant for mud , rug on dancing feet erm and , if you , if you take , were oops trying to pay particular attention to , if you can see the geese in , in this one here , there 's a fate , there 's a , there 's a forfeit which is missing , what 's going on and er , and the reason well in fact er which , which was er very much a vocal point for me in , in that painting
5 Ok , Time found hidden in a hard day , dry earth becomes a dance floor , audience of three fowl , the fourth along with a reaper turns it back , wooden shoes meant for mud , rug on dancing feet Erm the next one is the still life on , on with three puppies , while I was looking at Gaugin 's work I could n't help but notice he 's constantly struck by the fact that he use set of three symbols through out his work it seems , and very , very often three caricatures erm or lines of three or three objects and I found this very interesting , more point of view that something that I , I wanted to incorporate in my own work , but I wanted to find a line or a phrase to use in the same way , erm , all of my work starts as one or a series of visual images and , and I then turn them into characters , repeating a word or repeating a line would be a way of erm emphasising characterise erm and the puppies that are in this painting erm , they delighted my children so much , I do n't know if any of you know , do you know the painting of the three puppies
6 Not surprisingly Edward was soon facing increasing demands to accept a number of reforming ordinances along with a commission to implement them ; predictably Gaveston 's exile was the key stipulation .
7 Library for maps and images generated in the GIS ( along with a button to redraw them ) .
8 All I knew was that one afternoon while I was at the office in London someone poured petrol through my letter-box at Seaview , along with a note warning me that if I did n't get out of G.W. Fashions there would be other similarly unpleasant incidents to look forward to , and that next time the petrol would be accompanied by a lighted rag . ’
9 We have to balance this response with a consideration of the relationship the participants develop with the trainers , and to put some of the enthusiastic response down to a desire to please us and to peer group pressure .
10 So you can drop it in on a Wednesday drop it in
11 Farrar was educated at the Rev. Thomas Arnold 's private oral school at Northampton and was a child prodigy who passed both the London University and Cambridge University examinations by the time he was 17 , and could no doubt have gone on towards a degree had he been inclined to do so .
12 It might be interesting ; he was obviously intelligent and well-educated , and the fact that both Dora and Iris had written him off as a fortune-hunter caused her no particular misgivings .
13 Oh your mum has a day off on a Friday does she ?
14 From time to time , taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other 's work and publications .
15 But once they were on the market , the corp had spent a lot of R and D money coming up with a way to beat them .
16 So instead of renting out the planes from the Blue Max museum , the team came up with a plan to use them in their own production .
17 Cover Girl have come up with a computer to help you select the most flattering shade of make-up .
18 Oh he might be away for thre , cos I know he had golf at the Belfry this week , and then when he comes back he 's being picked up by a car to take him to the Belfry again , cos we 're entertaining there for a weekend 's golf .
19 The Yak banked again , came in fast , cannon shell punching into the Stork and Farber cried out as a bullet caught him in the shoulder .
20 Bracewell , 29 , claimed the directors backed out of a promise to give him a two-year contract by offering him only a 12-month deal to stay .
21 Victor Sierra 's ‘ rubber band ’ possesses a great ability to frighten the life out of a pilot flying her for the first time , by apparently stopping if and whenever the revs drop below 1800 , when the most horrendous mixture-timing ‘ flat-spot ’ occurs and it all goes quiet up front .
22 As the scores were read out like a football draw it became clear that it would be a close contest .
23 That was half full of water and the ice had cut through the wood flow down the river , cos the water was coming in like hell and er cos one thing I had to do about it , had like a chain in the , in th in the boat , so we pulled the chain out , I pulled the chain out first and go just got the , the erm hull just above water so I bail the boat out with a bucket chuck it down the side right quick .
24 ‘ This was a key issue which came out in a consultation exercise we held when we published our interim report on practical training in 1991 . ’
25 He went out on a balcony to meet them .
26 The ship is due to sail that day : on shore with the captain at a prize-fight , he overhears a plot to kidnap a certain American lady visiting Los Xicales with her brother , and rides out on a bicycle to warn them but also expecting that this will be the moment foretold for that second meeting .
27 Do you go back on a Tuesday do you ?
28 Addison has encapsulated the result by observing accurately that ‘ for a few critical years after 1945 , the home front ran on without a war to sustain it , and Britain was reconstructed in the image of the war effort ’ .
29 However , for the third time this season , Wantage could not hold on to a lead given them in the last five minutes , and allowed Andy Martin to shoot home for the equaliser for Bicester .
30 To be able to fly one around in a circuit made you one of the top flyers in the world .
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