Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] what [pron] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The box should give an indication of the number of times you have been in touch personally while nature and content can be filled in through what you enter in the rest of the sections space .
2 Froggy 's murder , and even the attack on me , simply does n't fit in with what we know of Jefferson or Harley or even Martinez .
3 For example , children love to join in with what they see as adult pastimes .
4 ‘ That just does n't tie in with what I know of you , the way you feel about your mother and your brothers . ’
5 RUSSIA is coming to Britain to sell space technology — including materials for hip joints , rocket sub-assemblies , superglues and remote sensing data on Earth — and cash in on what they believe to be a treasure trove of research .
6 They home in on what they see as the uncontrolled nature of CID work , and sneer and begrudge the detective his apparent freedom of movement .
7 If we have not got through for what we need to er examine then the proposition is that we should reconvene at five thirty this evening .
8 I said at the time what I thought was right , and I stick all through to what I believe to be right .
9 I 'm sure Father Chris would be pleased to hear that and would be very flattered to hear that as well but erm he 's erm I 'm sure he does try to live by those rules because er obviously that 's one of the bases of his life but erm I was thinking more in terms of somebody who stood up for themse stood up for what they believe in in a situation where it was difficult .
10 Whether I 'll be remembered as the most pompous , hard-to-get-along-with person they 've ever come across , because I stand up for what I believe in , or as the best athlete Britain 's ever had , which I think will be the case , I 'll always be remembered . ’
11 You can stand on a stage grinning like a fool but sooner or later you 've got to stand up for what you believe in , ’ says Harding .
12 Teachers are coming to look at the shelves and tying it up with what they do in class .
13 It 's the second time in a week that officers from Thames Valley police have spoken out about what they see as abuse of the judicial system .
14 And then I r I realized that the job was only gon na last a year , cos it 's only a year job , so the best thing I can do is to go all out for what I wan na do when I leave the centre .
15 Local fisherpeople are not only being hustled out from what they consider to be community lands , but also being denied access to estuaries closed off by shrimp companies .
16 Some people would like to stop these changes and go back to what they see as a purer and simpler age .
17 Referring back to what I see as the purpose behind the whole practice , I have called it ‘ archaeo-astrology ’ .
18 I go back to what I say in the beginning .
19 In this kind of situation they might be concerned to hold on to what they have by accepting a change in the electoral system that would block the prospect of a Socialist Government committed to extensive state intervention and a more " extreme " kind of constitutional reconstruction .
20 And so it goes on through life ; always a struggle between wanting to hold on to what we have at the same time as we are reaching out for new joys and satisfactions ; always the dilemma of making choices , of greedily wanting everything , of resenting having to let anything go .
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