Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Caspar took no notice of him and carried on through the wood towards the field .
2 She saw them in the sky , just a small group of them , but they brought death , she knew that , as they flew steadily on through the calm of the summer morning .
3 They were stopped at a sentry post to have passes checked and moved on through the wool of the fog , traffic sounds muted , an anguished cry from the Thames as a ship sounded its foghorn on the way down to the sea .
4 When there were no sounds of activity she heaved a great sigh of relief and carried on through the living-room towards the front door .
5 Always going on about the Fate of the Graduate Wife and how she 's fed up being a cabbage — well as far as I 'm concerned I can not see the call for langwidge .
6 she says , I 'm on about the lady with the dark hair
7 They bubbled with enthusiasm , all talking at the same time while raving on about the beauty of the bush walk .
8 ‘ She was on about the end o' the world was nigh .
9 You do n't know what goes on off the course with the other guys ; their mental work and physical training .
10 Inevitably , er that has not been entirely acceded to , and indeed to some extent er I can hardly be surprised as events move on during the course of the enquiry .
11 Part of the panel members is might be classed as partly walking wounded but endeavour to carry on during the course of the day , you will find out who 's the walking wounded .
12 People are still wondering exactly what went on during the filming of the notorious orgy scene in Erich von Stroheim 's The Wedding March in 1928 .
13 This coalification pattern is a consequence of the pre-orogenic coalification , a coalification which obviously did not proceed later on during the subsidence of the Ruhr Basin and the Münsterland in Cretaceous times , — at least not at the surface of the Carboniferous .
14 Then I let her warble on for a while about the trials of high office , and feign interest in titbits of gossip from the upper echelons .
15 It was thanks to them that he learned that the hunt was on for a leak on the Washington embassy wartime staff which could only have been Maclean .
16 He went hunting in Grasmere , and often stayed on for a party in the evening after a hunt .
17 The father was on for the whole of the second act of The Hooded Owl , and never had that part of the play passed as slowly as it did that evening .
18 Eight cars were illuminated , including car 3 of 1885 ( see p. 37 ) , and the lights were kept on for the rest of the season to enhance the scene .
19 St Albans held on for the rest of the match to win 2–1 and take the ladies ' title for the second time and make up for four previous final defeats by Mutineers .
20 It rumbled on for the rest of the week .
21 There seemed only one answer , for India had seldom boasted fast bowlers of sufficient quality to operate much beyond the first half-dozen shine-removing overs before the spinners came on for the rest of the innings .
22 Right , the search is on for the person in the team who told me that Larry Adler 's birthday was today , and not February the tenth .
23 yes it 'd been about well on for the end of the war she got married .
24 Then anti-climax , as they watched its tail-lights in the pitchy dark , lights that seemed to throb and waver in their seared sight before they blazed redly when the brakes went on for the corner by the sailing club slipway .
25 Once more the search is on for the woman with the most beautiful hair — could it be you ?
26 One joke had a candidate for the Waffen-SS being asked at the muster whether he was willing to sign on for the duration of the war ; to which , he replied : ‘ No , at first only for twelve years . ’
27 Charles had been wounded in the fighting but had recovered and signed on as a regular at the end of the war .
28 John Stork — when in his mid-30s — became aware of headhunting when he found himself on the receiving end of a headhunter 's call for the first time ; in due course he became the successful candidate , but did not take the job , staying on as a member of the international Board of Masius Wynne-Williams advertising agency , where he had earlier been head of research .
29 Although Mr Brown , the anti-establishment populist , failed to come close to his win over Mr Clinton in Connecticut two weeks ago , he will undoubtedly fight on as a spoiler until the final primary in California in June .
30 Beecroft , however , stayed on as a partner in the firm of Dillon , Tennant & Co. , which took over the shore establishments .
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