Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [pron] [adv] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the death-cliffs the Tau-Taus lining the balconies were looking appropriately terrible , staring down with their freshly painted eyes .
2 Anyway — ’ She looked down on her partly eaten meal and her nose wrinkled before she went on , ‘ I 've got to go downstairs again , and you 'd better clear away here when you 've finished , then go into Mother and see if you can soothe her ruffled feathers .
3 She spoke very seriously , not joking at all , and her eyelids dropped down over her weirdly magnified eyes , thinking about trying , how she had tried , how she still tried to make her pony , Midnight , win .
4 As the Japanese mainland became increasingly cut off from its far flung empire in the later stages of the Pacific War , Japanese control in Southeast Asia weakened .
5 But I could not go there without checking up on our dearly loved Temple .
6 It sails like a galleon over the wide , flat expanse of Holderness , its symmetry and many pinnacles lead the eye up to its perfectly proportioned spire which crowns the central tower ’ .
7 He leaned against the rood screen and stared up at his newly repaired roof .
8 But Changez looked so alone — and close up I could see bits of bristle sticking out of his badly shaved face — that even I could n't laugh at him in my usual way .
9 You could also work out in our fully equipped gymnasium so it sounds pretty plush does n't it ?
10 Townsend at least gave fans something to shout about with his well taken goal in the 86th minute when Dennis Wise cleverly controlled a Gareth Hall centre for his captain to fire in his fourth goal of the season .
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