Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] he [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then , as she climbed in and he slid into the driver 's seat beside her , he turned to look at her .
2 The lights went down and he sat at the back , trying to gauge the reaction of a packed audience .
3 The rent on this new place , like the rent on all the places he 'd lived in since he arrived in the city , was paid for by the Social Security .
4 Celia Hooper 's husband , Denis , had fixed up a little mirror for Peter to examine himself in before he emerged into the church .
5 Two things made him slow down as he came to the entrance .
6 Bodie drove quickly to the Stones ' house , slowing down as he came into the street at the far end .
7 He taps his pencil up and down as he waits for the finance director to finish .
8 He was breathing quickly , his nostrils pinching in as he thought of the coming confrontation with his wife .
9 To a casual passenger , glancing in as he lurched down the corridor , they must , thought Dalgliesh , have looked like two penitents in a private confessional absolving each other .
10 Perhaps I could be Eric 's stunt man , standing in when he turns on the flash dangerous stuff that terrifies the defenders in his wake and makes them have a go like David Burrows did .
11 But now it was all over and he sat in the big armchair as dawn lightened the front windows and gave thanks , with a cup of coffee , to the Child of Prague high on the opposite wall .
12 ‘ When we understood what he meant to do , we endeavoured to dissuade him ; but he was resolute , saying he had not had a roll for a long time ; and taking out of his pockets whatever might be in them — keys , pencil , purse , or pen-knife — and laying himself parallel with the edge of the hill , he actually descended turning himself over and over till he came to the bottom . ’
13 His eyes glaze over as he focuses on the photograph of him with his beloved — Illona Staller , better known as Cicciolina , the Italian porn star turned politician who recently made headlines by offering to let Saddam Hussein ‘ rape ’ her if he freed the hostages being held in the Middle East .
14 He ran on until he came to the tall reeds .
15 His , his personal stereo headphones get knocked off as he falls to the floor , and dinkly dinkly dinkly dinkly ,
16 They live in a political cowards ' Disney world where Tom is always chasing Gerry in an ever-decreasing circle of options while , outside in the real world , Bugs Bunny is having his tail shot off as he chokes on the latest political carrot .
17 Of course , he flung her off when he woke in the morning .
18 One exception has been Dean Hodgson , a neat and conscientious opener who has been picking up where he left off the season before last .
19 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
20 Oh that 's not to be , Sri Lanka are a hundred and thirty-eight for four and here 's Lawrence to pitched up and he drives outside the off stump , the ball goes through to Russell , low again , beaten back at the pace rehearses a shot outside the off stump , he was trying to hit it somewhere through extra cover .
21 He tipped his seat back and zipped his jacket right up and he asked for the music to go on again , and he lay there in the dark with the music on , feeling warm in the middle of the freezing night , and he could feel himself smiling .
22 She picked Mo up and he dived inside the neck of her dress , scratching her , and then lying quiet in the place he liked best , curled just above her waist and held securely by her belt .
23 The crowd opened up and he headed for the gate .
24 Many of the instrumental numbers were so relaxed , they looked like they were amusing themselves at a family party and when Harry told everyone to stand up as he bopped around the stage in his black silk suit , everyone did as they were told .
25 My men picked him up as he came over the Luxembourg border .
26 Mariana looked up as he returned to the living-room .
27 I started Armstrong up as he emerged from the building with a large jiffy bag under his arm .
28 He , he did it once or twice , had to give up when he got to the mouth of the River Orwell because he mistimed the currents but he did , he did eventually do it from Stoke Bathing Place to Felixstowe .
29 Claire got up when he came into the kitchen .
30 When that time was up an envoy from the Iranian Embassy in Paris had been violently beaten up when he called at the shipowner 's apartment .
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