Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] i [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I can hold it down till I get to the toilet I can .
2 I shall not live it down when I get to the office .
3 ‘ But I felt really good early on and I went to the front and tried to keep a steady pace .
4 Erm I I only picked this up cos I went to the workshop on flexible training , and that happened to be there .
5 I used to be a hunt supporter , I used to be a hunt follower I gave up because I object to an attitude of a society of people that life is disposable having seen wounded fox hounds and that is the proper term having seen wounded fox hounds despatched with a revolver because they 've got a broken leg having charged full pelt across a public road and hit a motor car coming the other way and fortunately not injured the occupants of the motor car having seen the damage that a pack of hounds in full cry can do to land that they are not entitled to be upon because fox hounds ca n't read .
6 I run on till I come to the cul-de-sac where I live …
7 ‘ I wonder , ’ she muses to Naomi , getting back in the taxi , ‘ if my tongue will fall out because I lied to a rabbi ? ’
8 ‘ I saw him getting it out when I went to the car to get a book I 'd left there .
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