Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] she do not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 and and Joanne Joe , say who could judge this , this is for our competition we 'll say Heidi coming , no , is anybody else in it , no er Sarah 'll come in cos she does n't know , right ?
2 I do n't think she 's been five times to my house in all the time I 've lived there , now in the early days er she said that when it , hang on , she said she 'd never come down cos she did n't like er
3 He would scythe her down if she did n't fit in with his plans .
4 Do n't push her to join in if she does n't want to .
5 She knew that he would cause a scene on her when he came in if she did not go out to talk to him .
6 Dolly said one had got in , that he threatened to do her in if she did n't tell him where all the valuables were .
7 she must 've been holding it in because she did n't wan na wipe her bum with her hand and then you know it just burst out before she could get to the toilet .
8 She went along because she did n't like to say no , but also she thought she might meet more people and get involved with the community : ‘ I really enjoyed it , we had a sponsored walk along the canal towpath and pub socials to raise money for the event , plus lots of committee meetings .
9 I wonder if she has n't been down because she do n't know if you know or not .
10 She reckons up the change over an' over like she do n't trust me , ’ I admitted reluctantly .
11 I 've been over and she did n't give me one .
12 And then again , ignorance er , at what she should subsequently have done er , then took over because she did n't realise that by having had er made contact with an individual erm it was necessary for her to report the matter to the police and she just did n't realise that that was something that she should have done .
13 If she admitted that Ryan smoked her parents would probably break them up and she did n't want that .
14 She had n't last time I , cos we were talking about er when I say talking I do n't mean nastily but the last time I saw Janet I asked after Wendy and she said she was still working and enjoying her job and the children were growing up and she did n't mention any other children so cos her husband works away a lot of the year does n't he ?
15 She had to take all the money in his wallet , she explained , because her ‘ business manager ’ would beat her up if she did n't turn in the profits .
16 She could n't have said nothing to our if she did I should have thought well alright our nan said I must bloody go up but she did n't come up Sunday .
17 She still felt very tired and run down , but her excuse was neatly removed by Glyn when she pointed out that she did n't feel quite up to driving .
18 It turned out that she did n't realise they were down , but thinks she must have pushed them into that position when dropping the ribber .
19 I say back that she does n't understand it .
20 As long as her money held out and she did n't open her mouth , she could almost make the artificial history stick .
21 And er she 'd tried to get rid of it and she could n't , so she found out her husband was coming home , he was actually in the boat coming back and she did n't know what to do .
22 Like get back the dustbins which took them out but she did n't bring them back at the end of the drive erm and I hope that Paul tells him off !
23 Now that her ankle was better she should really go back and chase up on the calls Steve should have made in Palma so that it was all tied up when he got back but she did n't want to spoil it all with Fernando .
24 For Danielle , who had natural ability and a rather pushy mother , a concert career fizzled out because she did n't work at it .
25 Her girlfriends , particularly her former flatmates , would have rallied round but she did not feel that she could inflict them with such a burden of responsibility .
26 the tantrum screaming carries on when she does n't want her coat on to go out .
27 I 'll tell you who , ’ he went on when she did not answer .
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