Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They got me name and address and telephone number at work and at home so I told the unions that they had to write in and complain about it too .
2 She had n't complained about pain after that first night when she insisted on moving in and living with him permanently .
3 But one thing , on behalf of the museum services , I would like to thank Doreen Griffiths for the help she gave us in our exhibition , ’ Memories of Change ’ , which you can see in the exhibition room over there , and she contributed a lot of photographs , and her memories , and allowed herself to be taped and have her memories in our archive , and for that we give her a great thank , because it 's not always easy for the , sometimes for the first time to begin talking into a tape-recorder , so we thank her very much , and thank you very much for coming in and performing for us today !
4 Firelight was now as gentle as a lamb , and would lie down and sleep beside him instead of pacing round her box all night .
5 She turns it upside down and looks at it again .
6 because at that meeting you can imagine that twenty people gathering then you end up not really making any decisions , far too many people , there was a lot discussed and aired and it concerns expressed and it was a case , and I 'm going from recollection here , it was really a case of let's go away and think about it and calm down and look at it rationally
7 She crouched down and spoke to me softly and coaxed me out .
8 Thank you very much and thank you for coming down and talking to us today .
9 And he will if you 'd like to come along and speak to him individually afterwards he will tell you something about that .
10 He did not ask her to sit down but said to her straightaway , ‘ What has she told you ? ’
11 She married fellow student Bob Norrie when her articles were over and moved with him down to Reading to take her first job as a solicitor with Dennis Berry & Co .
12 He broke off and looked at her encouragingly .
13 When he straightened up and looked at her again she saw his face was scarlet with embarrassment .
14 He glanced up and looked at her again and just for a moment it was as if they were alone in the midst of the hubbub of the fairground .
15 She stood up and looked at him unyieldingly .
16 Maggie announced , sitting up and looking at him seriously .
17 Finally she straightened up and glared at him balefully .
18 ‘ The fact that when you have a claim you can phone up and talk to us straight away , and we will give you advice on what to do , is important too .
19 I jumped up and ran with him down to the shore .
20 I lay on my back and watched it for a second , then got up and ran after her as fast as I could , again just because I knew I could n't catch her .
21 Wearily Spruce picked it up and glanced at it again .
22 So then Fiver went up and spoke to him very quietly , but I heard what Cowslip answered .
23 He said : ‘ I have enjoyed dressing up like a woman , making myself up and talking like them ever since I was in school . ’
24 Trim any broken or damaged roots cleanly and , if you are planting a bush , hold it up and look at it carefully .
25 As Mrs Marsh unwedges herself from her seat , Mum wakes up and looks at me sharply .
26 She laughed and patted him on the head , but he sat up and frowned at her impatiently .
27 He jumped up and shouted at her sharply : ‘ Oh , shut up ! ’
28 A CIA man rushed out and roared at them angrily , and they had to put the fire out .
29 He pulled it out and looked at it blankly , then slipped it into his pocket .
30 If you 'd like us to move on , come out and talk to us properly . ’
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