Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv] over the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another hotly contested tournament was the Copa de Republic , a vast knock-out competition which went on all over the country from November to April .
2 It 'll we have to run it down slowly over the course of the year .
3 People will be tuning in all over the world for these live performances and it 's the organisers ’ hope that they will also take note of the educational messages conveyed .
4 A couple of hundred people tucked in all over the place like that radio room . ’
5 Lasting impressions so far : the sun ( miraculously ) shining on the slopes of Dalwhinnie , far in the north , on the first leg of the journey ; stumbling across Drew from the World Cup holiday in a motorway café somewhere in England in the middle of the night ; breakfast and mineral water with Claire ( oh , it was good to see her ) in an Italian cafe near London Victoria ; people throwing up all over the joint on the Seacat crossing to Boulogne ( and me staggering about , legs way out of control , on the deck , getting soaked by the spray , saltwater taste in the mouth , and a rainbow arcing on top of the water behind the catamaran ) ; complaining English and American tourist ( ‘ It 's ridiculous that we have to go through customs — why do we have to go through customs anyway ? … ) ; terrible fatigue on the train to Paris , and temperamental French men shouting and swearing at each other in the aisle ; relief at finding Angela 's flat in Paris ; difficult negotiation of the very narrow stairwell , finally finding her way at the top on the 6th floor ; food , and wine , and a shower , and a bed-settee for the night ; Japanese tourists at Notre Dame , and a man announcing his state of poverty and homelessness on the Métro — ‘ ‘ .
6 Huge puffy ones started springing up all over the hands at the friction points in Vincente 's system of finger knots .
7 Ethno-religious conflicts have sprung up all over the world in recent years .
8 Although Wilhelm 's army was no match for the total power of the Waaagh , Grom 's forces were split up all over the Empire into many small armies .
9 The Interflora boom and Smiths devotees were sprouting up all over the place with their obnoxious shirts and silly haircuts .
10 I got up and had another little walk around , finishing up just over the road from Buckingham Palace .
11 The emerging competitive weakness of the economy was demonstrated by the fact that while the deflationary measures pushed unemployment up sharply over the winter of 1962–63 , the balance of payments remained in deficit .
12 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
13 Figures for 1991 reveal that this sort of tradgedy is being played out all over the south of England .
14 As with Frankie , so much of the pleasure is bound up with the sense of something breaking out all over the surfaces of everyday life , and you being in on it from the start .
15 There were things sticking out all over the place on the Albini recordings but we came away with a sound we liked , ’ says the bass player .
16 In so far as one so young and beautiful could look morose , Irene Charial gazed out morosely over the taffrail of the Ariadne .
17 A DISPUTE broke out yesterday over the state of the River Skerne in Darlington .
18 Strangely the real sound rang out loudly over the pseudo-sound of the widening astral whirlpool that was forming in the middle of the great octagonal slab .
19 ‘ However , ’ Don Mini continued , still addressing Little Billy , ‘ you can not go flying around all over the place on Swan 's back in full daylight .
20 While he , Owen , was tearing around all over the place like a bloody lunatic !
21 Mildred realized that her head had reappeared , which must have looked rather alarming , bobbing about all over the place with no body attached .
22 The books are lying about all over the place in Shellerton .
23 I suppose the very idea that they have spacecraft and can zoom about all over the Galaxy at warp seven , leads us to assume that they must be .
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