Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Thanks for coming along tonight as you see we have our A G M tonight and er hope er to see a lot more faces here tonight
2 I 'm so damned tired after the drive down here that I doubt I 'll have the energy for anything more than sleep . ’
3 Come in then if you want me stop throwing tantrums
4 down there and me do it
5 I remember that in a little pot down there and you know they were labelled ?
6 I have turfs enough there to damp it down again before we leave it . ’
7 Erm there have been erm , I should have written it down actually because I 've I 've just gone a complete blank , there was that erm that famous case in the States ah and there were two people who 'd erm I think the main impetus for the abuse of their child came from the came from the man came from the husband and there was a great deal of er debate as to why the woman had n't successfully protected the child or successfully done something about it er and I 've forgotten the names of the people and I 've forgotten when it was .
8 I think the rule should be you should move on soon as you win one , I think .
9 Cos they 'll try and sell it most of it off anyway because they have their stocktaking .
10 There 's no need to bite everyone 's head off just because they notice you 're a woman . ’
11 He goes off again when I give him his cloth back .
12 While one may whizz straight through the enemy , and another might stall in front of your Mob , the other one is bound to end up somewhere where you want him .
13 When I drive off , I am so churned up inside that I find myself hoping I sha n't make things worse by having a coronary on the way to work . ’
14 You know given that life is as it is are you okay and he said yes so I went round the gardens and I came back to him and I had a friend coming for lunch and I thought this is ridiculous , I 'm going to have something to drink and I 'm going to have a meal so I made him an enormous great wad of cheese sandwiches and some apples and a piece of cake and some biscuits and a cup of tea and I went downstairs with the milk and the sugar and cup of tea and all this stuff and I went into the gardens and this poor child he looked very defensively a second time and I said well I thought you might like some breakfast and I wrapped the second lot up so if you 've nothing later on , why not put it in your pocket and eat later in the day and I did n't know whether you took milk or sugar , so I thought I 'd better just ask you and do you know I thought he was going to cry .
15 work on the basis of er , we fill up just before we drop you off on the way back
16 You could also erm , start to recognize the benefit of the rural sector , and one reason why they were discriminating , L D Cs tended to want to ignore that and sort of shun it , because it 's not sort of a glamorous image they were trying to hope for in the urban sector , and , so , if they did help them , say give them units , like the repair men , units to work in , and they put them in really totally crappy accommodation , and up not where you need it , and not where people pass by with their motors and things , they , they 'd put them somewhere up on a hill , overlooking a city , so erm , to encourage the informal sector by erm , sort of on a par with the formal sector because erm , their inter- reacting , inter-relating now , like they 're providing cheap inputs for the formal industries and , and the formal industries are pro providing clientele all for the informal sector , and so it 's all inter-linked and , and it 's there now .
17 Like it will crack you up like when you see everybody else out driving in a car like , look at Terry and all and Debby , see all them driving a car .
18 We 're brought up short when we recollect what we used to know — useless knowledge , if we work in an ad agency or a civil engineer 's office , the mere residue of an undirected education — but knowledge which is still appealing , for all its uselessness .
19 I do think it 's lightened this room up though when you think it gone
20 because you think , I mean I come up here and I slag someone off to you or yeah , and then I 'll go downstairs and I 'll sit with them at lunch and have a perfectly normal conversation with them
21 They 'll soon work out where the lorry came from and they 'll be coming up here and I think they might be very angry . ’
22 Could I firstly start by thanking those delegates who after Congress yesterday have expressed support about the two rule changes that we lost and to give some encouragement to new delegates here that even if you get up here and you lose it , there 's some one hell of a lot of support out there on the floor .
23 Well that 's not a tea towel there , nanny cleaned her windows yesterday and er when I , I 'd wiped er with a cleaning off I washed it up again and I put it out yesterday and I keep forgetting to bring it in .
24 At that point I just want to stand up again because I think I 've put very little into this altogether because I was n't here .
25 I 'm fed up too but I suppose we should n't grumble , ’ Sarah said and Anne agreed that other people had worse troubles .
26 Mr Williamson is there anything you want to come back on or you feel you 've had enough in terms of summing up on matters A and B ?
27 You then consult that on the screen and print it out only if you think you are going to want to look up the same word again .
28 Then , like hope , energy or money , the road runs out just when you need it .
29 Back soon unless I meet something divine ! ’
30 The larvae undergo a complex cycle of 12 stages in almost as many days , making their way back inshore as they reach their adult form .
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