Example sentences of "[vb -s] been [adv] much [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I endorse what the hon. Gentleman says about the responsibility that politicians of all constitutional parties have , and a willingness so to talk has been very much present in recent years .
2 Many teachers in Britain regard verbal arts , under the guise of ‘ creative writing ’ , with suspicion because often there has been too much emphasis on free expression .
3 Historically there has been too much reliance on ex post financial accountability in the form of audit reports and ad hoc investigations .
4 There has been too much diversion of activity towards the idea of maintaining simple diversity in the living systems of the planet .
5 I believe that there has been too much attention to ordering of content — which is an easy job — and too little in considering the process — which is a very difficult one .
6 He said : ‘ There has been too much talk about the job and not enough about our position in the League .
7 ‘ There has been so much despair among the lot of us that seeing the party back in government again seemed so remote .
8 Indeed , it is precisely because there has been approximately equal progress on both sides that there has been so much progress in the level of sophistication of design .
9 There has been so much interest in the industrial side , while you just have to go a few miles out of Middlesbrough to get to the coast or the middle of the moors . ’
10 There has been so much interest in the industrial side while you just have to go a few miles out of Middlesbrough to get to the coast or the middle of the moors . ’
11 Goodbye and good riddance to the propaganda parade Television coverage of the election campaign has been so much oil on shallow water .
12 There has been so much talk of saturated and unsaturated fats that most people have heard of them .
13 To explore why there has been so much flux in the structures of competition , some basic distinctions are needed .
14 There 's been too much velvet in our revolution .
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