Example sentences of "[vb -s] been [adv] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When so large a part of modern politics , above all in America , is concerned with policies which an insight into the psychology of envy would reveal to be inherently futile , it is perhaps not surprising that the study of that psychology has been instinctively or deliberately neglected .
2 Yet another relevant ideology , which infects judges , governments and the general public in greater or lesser degrees at different times , is the ideology of law and order , which has been notably and provocatively analysed by the Marxist theorist Stuart Hall ( 1979 , 1990 ; Hall et al. , 1979 ) .
3 This is an area in which young people 's enthusiasm has been well and truly aroused at school .
4 Christ 's message of peace and goodwill to all men has been well and truly eclipsed by today 's stars .
5 Now , in our classless society , it has been well and truly democratised .
6 The tournament has been well and truly annexed by the British for the past four years , and the form book still favours a non-American winner this time .
7 But by the time crime categories or definitions have been established , the most important foundation stone of ‘ our crime problem ’ has been well and truly buried in cement , beyond the reach of any liberal ‘ scientific ’ shovel .
8 However , the development of Australian unions has been markedly and uniquely influenced by the institutional support given to them by the federal arbitration system which has long played a fundamental role in wage-determination and the settlement of disputes ( see Chapter 5 ) .
9 I believe that the Bill , as it goes to another place , has been properly and fully scrutinised on Second Reading and in Committee — as will be shown in Hansard .
10 The rational expectations hypothesis challenges macroeconomists of widely differing outlook to re-examine the short-run dynamics of their respective models so as to check that no assumption of irrational behaviour has been implicitly or inadvertently embedded within the structure of the model .
11 The keep , which is 120 feet high , has been slowly and accurately restored in recent years , but the rest of the castle is a shell , with the outlines of the rooms that ran inwards from the walls alone visible and a single stairway up one of the buttresses on to the crumbling battlements .
12 To suppose that this century can fix the definition of democracy or , even more arrogantly , that it is in this century that democracy has been finally and definitively realized , is to be blind not only to the probabilities of the future but also to the certainties of the past .
13 The prolific contemporary literature about Mary , which has been extensively and effectively reviewed by J. E. Phillips , Images of a Queen , was all understandable enough .
14 The notion of the fabliau being a form of linguistic game is one that has been extensively and productively explored in relatively recent scholarship .
15 In short , if agriculture is judged by the criteria of performance applied to manufacturing industry , there is every reason to argue that its output has been artificially and substantially inflated for the whole period since 1950 .
16 The ridged and tufted counterpane has been carefully and frequently laundered .
17 It is at this ‘ point-of-sale ’ that consumers make their choice , a subject which has been carefully and extensively researched by Stoddard Templeton .
18 The first question begs many others — but those of us who are familiar with some of the history of the disabled people 's movement will recognise that today 's ‘ disability professionals ’ are on a career path which has been carefully and painstakingly carved out by generations of their predecessors .
19 This simple rule , embodied in the Rights of Way Act , which on its wording at least applies to ways by water as well as land , states that to recognize a way as public one needs only to show that it has been freely and openly used by the public for 20 years .
20 During the last few years the notion of ‘ citizenship ’ has been increasingly and widely discussed amongst different constituencies addressing different aspects of the topic , with somewhat confusing consequences .
21 A great deal of effort has been put into making sure that what the examiner requests has been clearly and unambiguously stated .
22 As so often , one sees the survival of a social custom long after its original purpose has been wholly or partly superseded .
23 The drug , sulphadimidine , a prescription antibiotic used to control epidemics of respiratory disease in closely packed pig units , has been heavily and widely misused by UK farmers .
24 Such decisions of the Commission may be challenged before the European Court , provided that the complainant company has been directly and adversely affected by the conduct of which complaint has been made .
25 Once the presence of a carcass has been directly or indirectly detected , they glide down to it rapidly , and large numbers of vultures are thus enabled to assemble in a short time .
26 Where a child has been seriously and deliberately injured by his parents the court may consider that a care order would still be in his best interests although a suitable placement can not be found immediately .
27 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
28 Good courses of ore had been met with in Deep Level , but Leathart pointed out , " the whole of the ground has been more or less worked prior to the present adventurers " .
29 The use of inappropriate forms of assessment to grade and rank-order pupils ' work for the purpose of making comparisons or to achieve so-called ‘ unified standards ’ is illustrated by the worst abuses of norm-referencing , which has been roundly and justifiably criticized by many writers , even in those areas of the curriculum where one might expect this system to be welcomed .
30 In particular , there will be no change in treatment where the basis of valuation has been explicitly or implicitly agreed or accepted , or the view has reasonably been taken that there is no , or only negligible , benefit .
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