Example sentences of "[vb -s] that the [noun] [be] in " in BNC.

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1 But while it seems at first quite normal that this should happen at an inquest involving the opera 's central character one soon notices that the process is in fact highly artificial , like the narrations which open several of Britten 's later operas , designed in this instance to have the dramatis personae stand up and be recognised but in a context which fits the story .
2 Apart from the infiltration of the local anaesthetic , when the patient will feel a prick in the back , less painful than the anaesthetic for dental work , all that is felt is a pressure on the lower spine with occasionally a faint ‘ tingle ’ in one leg which simply signifies that the needle is in the right place .
3 Here are five telltale signs that the Ego is in command :
4 This criticism does n't appear to worry him , and he says that the proof is in the pudding , patting his film case .
5 Gennady Voronov , another Politburo member of 1964 , says that the plot was in progress for a year , although he was not in the know .
6 Under the authorship of one of the Institute 's latest recruits , public transport travel consultant Barry S. Doe MCIT , ‘ Tickets , Trains and Timetables : The Impact of Privatisation on the Rail Network ’ warns that the country is in danger of ending up with an airline style ticketing system in which passengers wishing to travel outwards on one franchisee 's train but return home on another 's may have to pay a supplement up to the value of the full ‘ standard ’ fare .
7 So , if the letter is lost in the post , property does not pass until the buyer actually discovers that the goods are in a deliverable state .
8 The prosecution alleges that the CEGB is in breach of the Nuclear Installations Act 1965 , which empowers the inspectorate to grant a licence to operators .
9 Forster 's novel states that the house is in Hertfordshire , the house seen in the film is actually near Nettlebed between Oxford and Henley .
10 Since fertilisation is external , with the male 's sperm being shed over the eggs as they are laid , amplexus ensures that the male is in the right place at the right time to fertilise the eggs .
11 When the cellarman judges that the beer is in perfect condition , he or she hammers a tap through the wooden or plastic keystone in the tap hole of the cask .
12 Inclusion on the list indicates that the species are in danger of extinction in the UK , or likely to become so , unless conservation measures are taken .
13 Backing off the Drive rotary turns off the LED next to it ; this indicates that the GX-7 is in clean mode .
14 The symbol T indicates a following voiceless stop or sonorant + voiceless stop cluster ; CS indicates that the vowel is in the stressed syllable of a polysyllabic word ( this environment tends to favour short realizations ) ; D indicates following fricative or voiced consonant ( excluding /r/ ) .
15 This means that the budget is in itself an important part of financial accountability and it also means that the final accounts often include , for comparative purposes , budgetary information .
16 In addition to these financial criteria , short channels have the advantage of being nearer to the end users , which means that the company is in a better position to anticipate and meet their needs .
17 This means that the section is in this respect more restricted than was section 5 .
18 This means that the economy is in equilibrium in period t .
19 Straight up means that the source is in line with the sun , and any other direction indicates the angle of the course away from the sun .
20 Gillard even considers that the hospital was in the vanguard of therapeutic optimism in the 1950s , ‘ being one of the first in the country to pull down the perimeter wall and unlock the wards , encouraging patients to mix freely ’ .
21 Creamer admits that the work is in a state of transition .
22 The board reports that the sport is in a healthy state .
23 One well informed historian of the period believes that the Cabinet was in favour of retaining the death penalty by a majority of eleven to five , and this estimate was to be borne out in a vote in the Commons the following April .
24 Grice suggests that the maxims are in fact not arbitrary conventions , but rather describe rational means for conducting cooperative exchanges .
25 First , as they stated , the neurophysiological evidence suggests that the hindbrain is in control of the generation and maintenance of REM sleep .
26 A NEW theory of the origin of our Solar System suggests that the Sun is in a special place in our Galaxy , and that it may be incorrect to draw inferences about the Galaxy at large from studies of our immediate stellar neighbourhood .
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