Example sentences of "[vb -s] that he [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Map adds that he made a note of this observation " for it was merrily said , and truly " .
2 He thinks that he wants a reconciliation , and up to a point he does ; but what he hopes most of all is that Alfred will give his blessing to the new play he has written — a drama of sibling rivalry called Brother Mine .
3 He thinks that he has a part of his nature which is more in harmony with women than men .
4 Mr Saldykov insists that he has a contract to sell 84 tonnes of red mercury over the next three years to an American company called API International .
5 The story goes that he managed a round on the morning of the wedding and even , it is said , a few strokes later in the day .
6 Another example of the rich and regal possibilities which religion offered Cnut is provided by a visit which he made to Glastonbury on 30 November of a year which may have been 1032 , when William of Malmesbury says that he laid a cloak decorated with peacocks on the tomb of Edmund Ironside .
7 This being so , when a person says that he feels a pain in his foot , what he means is not anything like what he means when he says he feels a pin in his foot .
8 Florence says that he held a meeting at London , and asked the witnesses of his agreement with Edmund whether the latter 's brothers and sons were entitled to succeed him .
9 He says that he wants a woman who wo n't mind a romantic involvement .
10 He says that he stopped a van , the youths driving it ran off , inside were stolen goods .
11 It assumes that he has a right to be paid the fees , charges , and disbursements , but provides that he shall not bring an action to enforce that right until certain preliminary requirements have been satisfied .
12 When someone complains that he has a toothache , or attributes a similar condition to another person , what exactly is he saying ?
13 As one last twist of fate for Dan Knight , his flight log shows that he flew a B–17 just one more time from Deenethorpe .
14 It 's a good sign if he has loved someone a lot , it shows that he has a capacity for love . ’
15 When he realises that he has a migraine , my husband retires to bed for a few hours then spends the rest of the day in an armchair .
16 GUIL taps a hand , changes his mind , taps the other , and ROS inadvertently reveals that he has a coin in both fists . )
17 Certainly the Office states that he became a hermit " without his father 's knowledge and against his will … because he loved God more than his father in the flesh " .
18 One of the Oxford documents mentions that he had a wife , Celena .
19 It seems that he had a breakdown on the way back and had to walk .
20 Sparke enjoyed considerable financial success ( his will indicates that he bought a gentleman 's estate and his first wife was connected to the Warwickshire gentry ) and political influence , which came from publishing works no other printer would touch .
21 A speciality of his was the supply of chimney-pieces and other elements of interior decoration , and of funerary monuments ; and an album of his designs of this type , later acquired by the library of the American Institute of Architects in Washington , indicates that he employed a number of carvers on a regular basis — the two principal names are Alexander van der Hagen and John Nelson of Shrewsbury [ qq.v. ] — to execute them .
22 Sighvat 's Knútsdrápa implies that he had a son there at the time of the joint attack by Olaf and Anund , possibly the one given to Thorkell in 1023 .
23 He confesses that he killed a man on board the space ship and so would have been tried on his return to Earth .
24 Amaury de Craon was an assiduous and competent officer , and his tenure of a second term of office suggests that he commanded a degree of confidence .
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