Example sentences of "[vb -s] that [noun prp] [verb] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 UK Transport Minister John MacGregor yesterday published a paper proposal to introduce road pricing to ease congestion in London : under his plan , every car would have to be fitted with an electronic identifier , and its movements within the capital would be monitored by 4,000 roadside beacons : drivers would either establish credit with the system operator or be sent a quarterly bill , the Evening Standard reports ; the paper says that MacGregor has been trying to think up a snappy name for the thing , but reckless of the manner in which the Community Charge degenerated into the much-excoriated Poll Tax , he has settled on Congestion Charge .
2 Unix Labs says that Novell has been kept abreast of its strategy and efforts in the case , and has indicated its support .
3 Dr Tom Walker , the head of BP Nutrition , says that BP had been kept aware of developments but had decided not to take part .
4 The hon. Member for Fife , Central says that TECs have been set up ’ at breakneck speed with scant regard to the complex and interrelated problems underpinning Britain 's skills crisis . ’
5 It is not until Stanley overhears that Blanche has been calling Stanley ‘ an animal ’ that he decides that he will have to destroy her to save their marriage .
6 Following on from last month , It seems that GeoWorks has been talking to Casio and Tandy about putting its graphical front-end on hand-held computers , slated to compete with the so-far non-existent Apple Newton .
7 It appears that BA has been doing a bit of grey-importing !
8 It appears that Paris has been liberated and the French Commandos want to be there to join in the celebrations with the citizens of Paris .
9 Occasionally you stick to your guns which means that Andrew has been getting rather inconsistent messages : he ca n't anticipate the consequences of his undesirable actions since your reactions are not predictable .
10 The row over Digital Equipment Corp 's decision to end manufacturing in Galway and try to find a new tenant to take over the manufacturing plant — which DEC owns , will not die down , and now the European Commission is to investigate Irish allegations that the UK government lured DEC into keeping its Ayr plant open at the expense of Galway : Commerce & Technology Minister Seamus Brennan , in Brussels for a meeting of European Community industry ministers , said Dublin had asked Competition Commissioner Karel van Miert to probe media reports that DEC had been offered inducements to keep the Ayr plant open — but no-one seems to have said just what these alleged inducements are ; the UK government on Friday denied the allegations , saying any assistance it might or might not have given would have been fully in accordance with Community rules , and invited Community auditors to ‘ come and look at the books any time ’ .
11 The rumblings that Intel Corp has been having more problems successfully fabricating the Pentium chip than it has been prepared to discuss have erupted again , and our sister paper Unigram.X today reports that Pentium has been hit by another round of serious availability problems because of poor yields .
12 He claims that Stanford has been leant on by the Chinese government and by American academics , who were scared that the door to China would be closed unless he was punished .
13 He suggests that IBM has been using cash to offer attractive financing to help sell mainframes to generate the revenue growth to cover the cost of its 180,000-strong mainframe-oriented sales and service organisations , and needs to work out how to make the mainframe business the cash cow it should be , focussing on the near $20,000m in sales , general and administrative costs , not the $6,500m for research and development , pointing out that saying it is cutting $1,000m off this , mainly on mainframes , while not making a proportionate cut in costs , is a recipe for disaster .
14 Tithonus creates a sense of emotional anguish by Tennyson 's use of inversion between lines five and six , ‘ Me only cruel immortality/consumes ’ : This breaking up of the main image of the poem suggests that Tithonus has been captured by immortality .
15 He visits Satis House for Estella 's sake , and knows that Drummle has been killed , and in the evening mist he sees her ( she has also come to say farewell to the building ) .
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