Example sentences of "[vb -s] that [art] [noun] is [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 The expression emphasises that the offence is not a ‘ victimless ’ one , but requires the actual presence of persons who are or are likely to be threatened , abused or insulted .
2 If the input data specifies that the structure is NOT to be modified then the user 's log file is closed and processing terminates .
3 With such a commitment , McDonnell-Douglas may then decide to pull out if it concludes that the industry is not big enough for three profitable producers .
4 At the other is the maximalist approach , which predicates that the task is not worth undertaking unless all significant aspects of the field are covered .
5 The Alliance Party insists that the conflict is not a zero-sum game but very few people are impressed by it .
6 This may be true of the common-or-garden use of the word idea , but when a philosopher like John Locke says that a man is not speaking intelligibly unless his words ‘ excite the same ideas in the hearer which he makes them stand for in speaking ‘ i it is not just a way of talking .
7 He says that the centre is not in competition with existing science museums , where valuable exhibits are preserved inside glass cases .
8 It says that the wavefunction is not a description of a physical system but simply a description of my knowledge of it .
9 It also says that the group is not confident of winning new-issue mandates outside the United States .
10 At the same time , however , Ure warns that the team is not there to handle day-to-day risk management and the general belief is that the more responsibility for that is pushed down to line management , the better .
11 Payment under such pressure establishes that the payment is not made voluntarily to close the transaction .
12 We can understand this by considering a person 's reflection in a mirror which is experienced as a re-figuring and deepening of the reflected image : the depth of the reflection , for example , shows that the reflection is not the mirror itself , although , clearly , without the mirror there is no reflection .
13 We shall instead suggest ( 40 ) , where the fact that the arrowhead passes through the square bracket is intended to show that the minor property does not simply qualify the entity as a whole , but the fact that it does not reach as far as the round bracket shows that the adjective is not a sense-qualifier : ( 40 )
14 The absence of any indication in the world line of the on-board clock that it is crossing the horizon was illustrated in Fig.9.1 and shows that the horizon is not a physical singularity ; rather , it is a mathematical singularity .
15 If the ‘ feedback ’ process shows that the subject is not acceptable to the other person , it may be dropped or modified or changed .
16 The further suggestion that Nicolas of Damascus may in his turn have used Polybius only shows that the subject is not worth pursuing .
17 This shows that the punch is not merely an arm movement , but a powerful , co-ordinated body action .
18 The insistence in this quotation on typicality shows that the difference is not an absolute one in the sense that speech has one grammar and writing another .
19 A design must be original and section 213(4) states that a design is not original if it is commonplace in the design field in question at the time of its creation .
20 Such records are usually a ‘ collection ’ and feature a particular theme ( e.g. country & western or easy listening ) and the advertisement states that the collection is not available in the shops .
21 ( j ) Insurance arrangements Condition 5.1 of the new standard conditions of sale states that the seller is not under a duty to maintain an insurance policy but that the risk in the property does stay with the seller until completion .
22 Oliver Sacks is hardly putting himself out on a limb when he affirms that the brain is not like a computer : neuroscientists have been telling the Artificial Intelligence buffs that for years .
23 Not only does this protect the target 's shareholders but it also ensures that the target is not subjected to the disruption caused by frivolous bids or , for example , announcements designed to fuel an increase in the target 's share price through the expectation of an offer merely so that the potential offeror can sell its stake in the target at a profit .
24 This can serve not only as a useful means of cost control but it also ensures that the client is not left until the end of the design stage without any information about the type of building which ultimately will be provided .
25 It is artificially constrained in a way that ensures that the burden is not fairly distributed and those at the top end of the property range , and very likely to be at the top end of the income range , are being given shelter which is not justified .
26 However , it seems that the principle is not confined to such cases .
27 However , if it seems that the physiotherapist is not treating the patient effectively , you should ask whether , perhaps , he might be assessed and treated by a more senior physiotherapist , if he is attending a hospital department .
28 At the time of writing , it seems that the intention is not to assess progress in relation to benchmarks through a blanket testing programme but through assessment by teachers akin to that in GCSE and Records of Achievement .
29 However , it seems that the relation is not quite the same , for there is no comparable way in which a hearer can express the same wonder or wish by assenting to the sentence as uttered by the speaker .
30 They were originally intending to work in Zaire , but the situation is still somewhat unstable and it seems that the time is not quite right for them to go there .
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