Example sentences of "[vb -s] to be [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The uptake of 5-ASA by the intact cells has to be assumed to be equal to the amount of Ac-ASA produced and detected both extracellularly and intracellularly .
2 The avalanche of red tape surrounding events such as this ( the entire population of New Delhi appears to be employed handing out forms to fill in ) has to be seen to be believed , and it is by no means certain that , come 1 November , there will be any paper left to provide the winners with their cheque .
3 In Opposition , of course , you have to criticise harder but that criticism has to be seen to be reasonable if you are to succeed .
4 It has to be seen to be more socially responsible , to make people feel more comfortable about owning a Rolls . ’
5 Leicester Square on a Sunday night has to be seen to be believed , and half the police are queer too ! ’
6 It is not unknown for barbel to pull a rod into the water with a speed and viciousness that has to be seen to be believed , even when the angler has only glanced away from his rod for a few seconds .
7 To be sure that a patient is truly regaining their health , it is of no value just to know that the symptoms of his complaint have been relieved , rather the focus of his disease has to be seen to be shifting into less important areas , that is , moving down the hierarchy .
8 Fully restored rooms include the office of the Clerk of the Course , a '30s billiard room and the all-pink Barbara Cartland Room , which has to be seen to be believed …
9 The silky-smooth animation has to be seen to be believed — each stroke is executed without a hint of jerkiness , and they 're so realistic you 'll think you 're watching Wimbledon ! ’
10 One could argue that since the Institute has to be seen to be acting in the public interest , complete openness along these lines is the only alternative .
11 This has to be seen to be appreciated , engines can be viewed from several angles , compared with one another , or taken in in one awe-inspiring vista .
12 Ian Osborne is the master of time — the way he sprints for the door at 5.30pm has to be seen to be believed !
13 As with the ‘ Shotton ’ , the excellence of the vehicles restoration has to be seen to be fully appreciated .
14 Look and Cook has to be seen to be believed .
15 It was one of these abrupt lines drawn on the surface of the ocean that has to be seen to be believed .
16 On arrival home they find their house has been destroyed by fire ( how writer David Renwick manages to get a laugh out of this has to be seen to be believed ) and they then have to do battle with the insurance company .
17 The noise fifteen excited youngsters make has to be heard to be believed .
18 The Bavarian folk material , upon which some of the music is based , is clearly in his blood , and the energy generated in the second section of the Cantata , where these dances abound , has to be heard to be believed .
19 More experienced Faust lovers will take ‘ Seventy One Minutes Of ’ in their stride , a more fragmented and dissected side of the band 's genius that has to be heard to be believed .
20 Finally , introducing inquiries of this kind into the curriculum has to be accomplished by being thoroughly integrated with the student 's core studies .
21 The mechanical frenzy has to be experienced to be believed , accompanied in the test car by a horrible dashboard resonance in mid-range .
22 The gentle and yet rapid response that one achieves has to be experienced to be understood .
23 Capital of the country , Bangkok 's appeal is timeless , with its fascinating array of lavish temples , palaces and gardens , as well as the fast-moving night-life which has to be experienced to be believed !
24 The response of the system has to be experienced to be believed , indeed it is often too sensitive , especially if the game is written for use with the conventional types of joystick .
25 The ease with which it 's possible to construct very professional looking presentations has to be experienced to be believed , and some of the tools it provides would make professional traditional animators green with envy .
26 That agriculture has to be shown to be necessary for the viability of Article 3(5) areas is stated in the House of Commons ' Agriculture Committee 's 1982 Report which also states that such areas must have a low or declining population , the exact opposite of the view given by MAFF ) .
27 The ‘ fight ’ has to be shown to be taking place .
28 The narrating self not only sees , but wants to be seen to be seeing : the registration of detail , also praised by Calvino , and the reproduction of objects , gestures and expressions are conscripted into a form of obsessive and narcissistic display on the part of the observer .
29 Everyone in the business wants to be seen to be there , but the places are limited .
30 The last thing he wants to be bothered with is having to deal with complaints from dissatisfied guests . ’
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