Example sentences of "[vb -s] in [art] [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 A second role of coins in the study of portraiture lies in the help that they may give in the identification of other portraits , particularly sculptures , since it is only very rarely that the latter 's accompanying inscriptions have survived to identify them .
2 Their importance lies in the fact that they were the grandparents of supplementary benefit appeal tribunals , just as the Courts of Referees , ( from 1936 known as unemployment insurance appeal tribunals ) were the ancestors of the national insurance local tribunals .
3 The authority for doing things this way lies in the fact that they have always been done this way and so questioning is not encouraged .
4 However , the Yates decision should not be regarded as authority for the proposition that a collection of individually non-confidential items of information can not be the subject of confidentiality where the confidentiality lies in the fact that they are collected together .
5 Special chipboard screws have a raised thread which bites in the board as they are driven in — often the thread is a double one .
6 it says in the brochure that they 're looking
7 Okay , suppose Come Up And See Me goes in the charts and they ring you up and say , ‘ Steve , how do you fancy going on Top Of The Pops ? ’
8 Also , various frames need to be used in order to find out if anything changes in the words when they are checked against frames with other words or pitch .
9 Eventually , after some awkward silences in the kitchen while they grimly drank endless cups of coffee , they settled for organising the party .
10 As for the physical appearance of the people who left behind their stone tools and food refuse , Singer and Wymer can say little because , compared with animal bones , there are few human remains in the deposits and they are mostly fragments of skulls and jawbones and teeth .
11 All right , you might find everything that crawls in the yard an' they might get as far as downstairs here and there , but not up here .
12 Well , he found them the best ski runs in the Cairngorms when they started and they could n't afford to give him anything very spectacular , so he said , ‘ Can I have the ski shop and the bobble hat concession ? ’
13 But you see , Gianluigi 's cousin works in the museum and they 've got so much stuff there they literally do n't know what to do with it all , it just sits and rots in boxes in the cellar , no one ever sees it .
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