Example sentences of "[vb -s] in [noun sg] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to its preamble , which incorporates in part the terms of article 220 , the Convention seeks in particular to facilitate the recognition and enforcement of judgments of courts or tribunals and to strengthen in the Community the legal protection of persons therein established .
2 This defence of Marxism carries over , however , to a critique of Modernism itself : not merely for the fact that Nietzsche attaches ‘ importance ’ to art but for the further claim ascribed to him , and therefore to Modernism itself , that ‘ the nature of aesthetic experience contains in nuce the form of understanding proper to the world itself ( p. 66 ) .
3 In its strategy for continuing education provision for qualified nurses in Scotland , the Scottish National Board for Nursing , Midwifery and Health Visiting accepts in principle the recommendations of a working party on continuing education and professional development for the three professions which reported in 1981 .
4 In the interests of the maintenance of international peace and security , Article 35 ( 2 ) of the United Nations Charter allows a non-member to bring a dispute to which it is a party to the attention of either organ of the Organisation , provided it accepts in advance the obligations of the pacific settlement of disputes for the purposes of the dispute .
5 A secret protocol of the Nazi-Soviet pact , designating German and Soviet spheres of influence in Finland , Estonia , Lithuania , Latvia and Poland , highlights in retrospect the casuistry of Aragon 's analysis and the inevitability of Nizan 's departure from the PCF .
6 Thus , when he says that changes are ‘ overdetermined ’ he has in mind a variety of factors , some more nearly connected than others , which all contribute to a single outcome .
7 This seems to take the issue too far since Oakeshott clearly has in mind a sense of purpose which imposes a relatively specific objective on individuals .
8 Brentano evidently has in mind a relation between something not explicitly mentioned , that which is active , and , on the other hand , contents and objects .
9 It is true , of course , that for the first time in 75 years , Russia now has in place the mechanisms of national democracy — a government whose president has been elected and a parliament able to enforce , by argument and voting , restraints on what the government does , as well as a constitutional court .
10 Like Raffles in Singapore it holds in amber a record of the past .
11 Appendix 1 describes in detail the calculation of a quarterly series for the freedom of Japanese financial institutions to invest overseas , using information in Fukao ( 1988 ) .
12 However a bottom-up approach ( which always bears in mind the criterion of relevance to land-using decisions leading to environmental deterioration ) will leave many areas of local or national economic analysis aside .
13 As an elderly member deteriorates in health the patterns of alliance may shift .
14 Some schools organise ‘ bulk buy clubs ’ where a member with a van or large car buys in bulk a variety of goods from a discount warehouse — items such as nappy liners and toilet rolls seem to be quite common in these schemes .
15 Executed in 1884 , it depicts in detail a group of typical characters set against the bustle of the market .
16 Now the idea behind that is that it builds up and keeps in trim the muscles of the feet and ankles and legs , which is going to be what gets you about because you realize your retirement is going to be as good as your legs .
17 In seeking to answer this last question , erm I decided not to attempt a kind of structural analysis , the kind of structural analysis which characterises in fact a lot of important current critical writing , but to approach Proust in fact along the more familiar lines of biography and straight analysis of his work .
18 Apart from conviction each new voice of authority appears to have the same weight as the one we believe , and every moment of unreality calls in question the reality of all past experience .
19 As the British conservative Roger Scruton rather inelegantly expresses his own indignation about feminist linguistic reform , ‘ Each of us inherits in language the wisdom of many generations .
20 Chapter 7 examines in detail the methods for making the comparison between the conceptual models and the real situation .
21 The association of maternal age and parity or birth order with child health and mortality reflects in part the relationship of these two demographic attributes to social and economic factors .
22 This book , discussed in detail in the next chapter , follows in part the work of Lewis Henry Morgan .
23 Each document is signed by a British mandate official and gives in detail the figures of sale and settlement in the name of the Palestinian who inherited or bought the land .
24 This puts in perspective the Department of Economic Development 's approach to community economic development , which has to date been one of employing outside consultants without sufficient consideration for the need of local input .
25 The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations , Volume 6 considers in detail the provision of services to disabled children .
26 ( 2 ) Private or non-private customer : Chapter 2 considers in detail the types of customer recognised under the regulatory system and identifies in particular , market counterparties , non-private customers ( including expert investors and trade customers ) and private customers .
27 The crofter who purchases his croft becomes in law the landlord of a vacant croft , of which he is also the de facto tenant .
28 The process which is generated becomes in effect an end in itself , creating as it does a working alliance within which both partners develop a shared approach to identifying and tackling goals and problems .
29 The Languages of Love seeks in Catholicism a solution to the problem of linguistic , psychological , and intellectual dividedness .
30 As one gains in skill the performance of the task of riding is released to the periphery of awareness .
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