Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [art] [noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The Easy-Carve is in fact not as noisy as one might imagine , but it is not necessarily a tool I 'd want to use for long stretches .
2 Not so the dealer who would be more likely to take a middle-of-the-road tabloid newspaper such as the Daily Mail or the Daily Express , as a source of more concentrated financial news , with a lay-out less taxing on his brain cells .
3 It was not only the aristocracy who could hope for promotion from a change of regime : for instance Riculf hoped that the see of Tours would be granted to him by Chilperic 's son , Clovis , as a result of the Leudast affair and Gregory 's anticipated deposition .
4 In taking the time on it 's own , erm that that 's not not a problem I would have thought , for most people , cos if they 're making Sunday lunches anyway , then i it 's in the middle of the morning one way or the other .
5 But it 's not just the bride who must be pampered .
6 The Scentmakers ' Bazaar was not normally a place she would have allowed herself to have been seen dead in .
7 ‘ I am not always a monster who will attack you . ’
8 We are not today a society which can draw upon such political intellects as guided America in the age of Jefferson and Hamilton .
9 ‘ This is not simply a matter which can be looked at and comfortably quantified as a constant problem .
10 He had no parents , wife and children … not even a girl-friend who could be used as a weapon of enslavery against him .
11 John had not expected such an overwhelming response , and as not even the Ballroom itself could contain such large numbers , he took them all outside into the street to make his selection .
12 Disconcertingly , however , Thomas Kuhn 's account of the development of science in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions makes a strong case for a third kind , even if not quite a kind which would suit Newton .
13 But life with Thomas is n't just a merry-go-round it can be swings and roundabouts .
14 Your fiancee 's lighthearted disregard for timekeeping is n't exactly an illness which could be dealt with by a GP 's prescription , but although your question was flippant she has , it seems to me , a slight personality twist which could bring her problems .
15 It was n't really a question he could ask at this stage .
16 It was n't really the earring she 'd come for , then .
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