Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [be] [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 It appears that the application need not necessarily be made to the judge or district judge by whom the judgment or order was made ( cf Ord 37 , r 1(2) ) .
2 The experience in the United States can not necessarily be extrapolated to the United Kingdom .
3 Furthermore , the library services are then not only being promoted to the wider community but also genuinely reflecting and recognising that Britain is a multiracial society ’ ( * ) .
4 It thus came about that , during the process of a boy 's adjustment to public school , two very powerful and not very compatible needs — the need for power and the need for love — were grossly stimulated , in an environment where their satisfaction could not easily be assigned to the usual separate compartments of life .
5 The term acquisition is more frequently associated with the child 's mastery of higher-order understanding which can not easily be reduced to the additive effect of different learning experiences .
6 Translating the metaphor back to electronic information , low band width means that the substantial volumes of data needed to represent image information can not easily be delivered to the remote terminals .
7 The advance of this critical period , however , can not easily be linked to the idea of a body clock which tends to run fast and so produce daily rhythms which are timed too early because , when daily rhythms have been investigated in these patients , it appears that daily rhythms are irregular , rather than altered in a particular direction .
8 In the first place , alterations in one 's attitudinal stance can not just be related to the internal affective state of the attitude-holder , but should be understood in terms of the rhetorical context of controversy .
9 Research showed that both infant mortality rates and malnutrition tended to be higher among girls than boys , a fact which could not conceivably be ascribed to the occupation but reflected traditional attitudes that damaged the health of the community .
10 You may need to do some lateral thinking , as savings can not always be related to the size of the cheques you write out each month .
11 The advantage of following it and the fact that costs will not always be awarded to the respondent in any event under Ord 62 , r6(9) is illustrated by Jacobs v Wessex RHA and Hall v Wandsworth HA above .
12 As I said , Goreng had to shoot some after a desertion so large that it could not possibly be ascribed to the category of MIAS .
13 " only result seemed to shew that the parents of Stockport families preferred a cheap commercial education to a more expensive higher intellectual one and that the latter was necessarily more costly and that the Grammar School fees could not possibly be reduced to the level of the Technical School fees , that School being subsidised by Excise Duties and Government Grants to the amount of double the fees received from Scholars . "
14 ( A suggestion made by Alasdair MacIntyre that emotivism is promising only as an account of the use of ethical words in a society lacking shared values could not reasonably be extended to the attitudinism I have described . )
15 The reasoning in the lawyer/client cases can not automatically be transferred to the financial services area because of the particular nature of the lawyer/client relationship including the fact that in order to prove a breach of confidence a client might be forced to forfeit the lawyer/client privilege , and that the very restrictive Law Society rules provide for only a very limited role for the Chinese wall where law firms amalgamate and the clients consent .
16 What is at stake in this , and in the work of a number of other writers whom Neale acknowledged , is a sensitivity to generic difference as much as to repetition , and , in particular , to generic difference which can not simply be assigned to the magical agency of authorship .
17 Since these ‘ facts ’ belong to the group as a whole and since the latter is more than the sum of its parts , they have a transcendent reality of their own and can not simply be reduced to the individuals in whose conduct they manifest themselves .
18 In the development zone primary care arrangements can not simply be left to the normal mechanism of allowing general practitioners to decide , within limits , what services they will provide .
19 The difficulties can not plausibly be attributed to the compilers , who would hardly have confined themselves almost exclusively to interfering with the text of Scaevola .
20 The graduate will not even be tied to the current set of accepted truths about the world in the discipline .
21 There the caterpillar first cuts all the leaf veins leading back to the main stalk before settling in for a dinner which it hopes can not then be communicated to the neighbouring leaves .
22 It was Lavandera who suggested that the concept of the linguistic variable could not usefully be applied to the analysis of syntactic variation because variants of so-called ‘ syntactic variables ’ were not semantically equivalent in the same way as phonological variables .
23 The Company 's own lettering had not yet been applied to the rocker panels .
24 The text for other painting analyses has been finished , but the images of paintings have not yet been added to the system , Ms Buttaud said , implying that the money to do so was already in short supply .
25 Four of them had had adverse reactions and in one patient cereals had not yet been introduced to the diet .
26 Railway travelling can not yet be opened to the general public .
27 But these can not yet be attributed to the activities of an individual mosaicist — although they might well indicate the predilictions of an influential client or close- knit group of clients — and are still most significant when viewed over considerable periods of time .
28 Co-operation and co-ordination should not therefore be restricted to the library sector — it should reach out .
29 But it must n't just be left to the activists to recruit .
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