Example sentences of "[not/n't] [pron] that [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , although this is clearly an important and interesting exhibition it is not one that we would wish to accommodate here , essentially because — practicalities aside — we are not a general art exhibition venue , and as a matter of policy only mount displays which relate to our collections or , more broadly , to the world of books .
2 By the nature of the case , the hypothesis that other apparent persons enjoy feelings which are like ours but which are necessarily unobservable by us is not one that we could have any evidence against .
3 For all the questions and doubts the book raises , it 's not one that I 'd want to damn out of court or do without .
4 He 's not one that you can lean on .
5 It 's not something that we can talk about too widely , but we can say that we are very confident , that er we can move towards a sensible and fair resolution of this dispute in we hope the near future .
6 Nevertheless it is not something that we can ignore , for the teacher needs feedback from her students ' performances in order to judge the effectiveness of her teaching and may need to know that students have reached certain standards before progressing to more difficult work .
7 Unemployment is a consequence of various factors — of inflation and world recession — and not something that we can escape .
8 I it 's not a it 's not something that anyone should look for , that sort of comparison .
9 It was not something that he could admit to the outside world , though .
10 So if the forest is not something that he can see , if you go back to question two , how do you interpret this midnight moment 's forest ?
11 It 's not something that I can deal with in these orders er I 'm afraid that er there was a decision within the community which was then er made part of the nineteen seventy six E C direct elections act .
12 Please print this letter because I want people to know that horses are not something that you can forget .
13 On these grounds the Wolfenden Committee decided that the abolition of prostitution was not something that it ought to recommend , or that if it did , could have any chance of success .
14 I did n't believe she had anything to say to me — not anything that I 'd want to hear .
15 It was not worth the sulk and you 're ashamed of me are n't you that he could keep up for three days when required .
16 I tried to explain that you either had the vibe or you did n't , it was n't something that I could explain . ’
17 No so there was n't anything that I could record then and the woman 's coming tonight , to pick them up
18 And he came at half past seven and he cleaned it and he looked at it , and he said er it was n't anything that he could see , he thinks it was just down draught , but we 've had winds before .
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