Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adj] with [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Clyde was not popular with some sections of the legal profession and of the press , which suggested that his appointment to high office was due more to birth and political influence than to legal talent .
2 This is doubly difficult in that there is much overlap in terminology and concepts and specialists are not consistent with each other in the use of these new terms .
3 I 'm not involved with that man in any personal way , and it 's an insult to me to imagine that I am .
4 To satisfy the demands of the local authority 's building inspector , who was not happy with this lack of fire compartmentation in a single-staircase building incorporating many levels , these sliding doors were tensioned against counterweights so that in the event of a fire , fusible links in the cables restraining the counterweights would melt , causing the weights to drop and drawing the doors closed .
5 We are not happy with this position in that the Inspector appears to accept that while the formality of recording the transfer of motor vehicles to the directors was not processed through the accounting records , he is by implication accepting that they were recorded , in order to have the directors ' loan accounts overdrawn while ignoring the dividend .
6 In this chapter we are not concerned with these responses of the oppressed they will be discussed in Chapter 6 on power .
7 I am not concerned with any issue of limitation that may exist in relation to this claim .
8 To anyone not familiar with this type of treatment , the presentation will seem difficult or even unintelligible ; within the generative approach , many different theories , all with different names , tend to come and go with changes in fashion , which is very confusing .
9 It is now recognised that the costing of community-based care to take account of the wider back-up services on which it must depend is a complicated calculation which was not available with any degree of sophistication at the height of the movement away from institutional care ( Knapp , 1986 ) .
10 ‘ And , of course , EDS is not satisfied with that business in Italy , it was all inherited .
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