Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] that he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But you were Mr Russell 's only child , my dear , and you must not doubt that he loved you , even if he did n't always make it perfectly apparent . ’
2 He had not said that he believed her , had only touched her for that fleeting moment , but she knew what she had felt .
3 In that case it is all one operation , and it could not matter that he wrote his signature on the document before the dispositive wording of the will .
4 Openness did not demand that he tell her he had suggested it .
5 It is clear that Lenin 's references to ‘ primitive democracy ’ and the delegation of state functions to ordinary people did not mean that he thought there would be no place for administration in a socialist state .
6 But this does not mean that he abandons his commitment to ahi sā .
7 But let us not forget that he gave his life in an act of selfless devotion to the race .
8 Supposing , however , that those answers are correct , would we not allow that he knows them , even though he himself might not make that claim ?
9 Troy has the mental age of a seven-year-old and he was sentenced to death for kidnap and murder , though Mr Stafford Smith does not accept that he did it .
10 I take it that , as he did not say that he opposed what we are going to do , we have his wholehearted support .
11 This was that his dad did not say please come back and he did not say that he loved him .
12 ‘ You did n't know that he acquired them through his wife who must have got them while she was housekeeper-companion to Mrs Armitage ? ’
13 ‘ I do n't know that he wanted it .
14 It does n't follow that he knows what the matter is — ‘ honestly , though , I do n't know what 's wrong with me , ’ he adds .
15 It 's not as though what Kenneth Clarke has done in the Health Service has actually done any good for our hospitals and medical services , and I do n't believe that he has anything to offer education either .
16 But even if your romantic beau whispers ‘ I love you ’ daily in your shell-like , it does n't mean that he loves you in the way that you love him .
17 I can imagine him making the statement , but I ca n't imagine that he meant it sufficiently to make it worth printing .
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